Araminta paled.

The magistrate said, “You don’t seem to have a very good case against Miss Beckett, Lady Penwood.”

Araminta began to shake with rage, her outstretched arm quivering as she pointed one long finger at Sophie. “She stole from me,” she said in a deadly low voice before turning furious eyes on Posy. “My daughter is lying. I do not know why, and I certainly do not know what she hopes to gain, but she is lying.”

Something very uncomfortable began to churn in Sophie’s stomach. Posy was going to be in horrible trouble when she went home. There was no telling what Araminta would do in retaliation for such public humiliation. She couldn’t let Posy take the blame for her. She had to—

“Posy didn’t—” The words burst forth from her mouth before she had a chance to think, but she didn’t manage to finish her sentence because Posy elbowed her in the belly.


“Did you say something?” the magistrate inquired.

Sophie shook her head, completely unable to speak. Posy had knocked her breath clear to Scotland.

The magistrate let out a weary sigh and raked his hand through his thinning blond hair. He looked at Posy, then at Sophie,  then Araminta, then Benedict. Lady Bridgerton cleared her throat, forcing him to look at her, too.

“Clearly,” the magistrate said, looking very much as if he’d rather be anywhere other than where he was, “this is about a  great deal more than a stolen shoe clip.”

“Shoe clips” Araminta sniffed. “There were two of them.”


“Regardless,” the magistrate ground out, “you all obviously detest one another, and I would like to know why before I go  ahead and charge anyone.”

For a second, no one spoke. Then everyone spoke.

“Silence!” the magistrate roared. “You,” he said, pointing at Sophie, “start.”

“Uhhhh ...” Now that Sophie actually had the floor, she felt terribly self-conscious.

The magistrate cleared his throat. Loudly.

“What he said was correct,” Sophie said quickly, pointing to Benedict. “I am the daughter of the Earl of Penwood, although  I was never acknowledged as such.”

Araminta opened her mouth to say something, but the magistrate sent her such a withering glare that she kept quiet.

“I lived at Penwood Park for seven years before she married the earl,” she continued, motioning to Araminta. “The earl said  that he was my guardian, but everyone knew the truth.” She paused, remembering her father’s face, and thinking that she  ought not be so surprised that she couldn’t picture him with a smile. “I look a great deal like him,” she said.

“I knew your father,” Lady Bridgerton said softly. “And your aunt. It explains why I’ve always thought you looked so familiar.”

Sophie flashed her a small, grateful smile. Something in Lady Bridgerton’s tone was very reassuring, and it made her feel a  little warmer inside, a little more secure.

“Please continue,” the magistrate said.

Sophie gave him a nod, then added, “When the earl married the countess, she didn’t want me living there, but the earl insisted.  I rarely saw him, and I don’t think he thought very much of me, but he did see me as his responsibility, and he wouldn’t allow her to boot me out. But when he died ...”

Sophie stopped and swallowed, trying to get past the lump in her throat. She’d never actually told her story to anyone before; the words seemed strange and foreign coming from her mouth. “When he died,” she continued, “his will specified that Lady Penwood’s portion would be trebled if she kept me in her household until I turned twenty. So she did. But my position  changed dramatically. I became a servant. Well, not really a servant.” Sophie smiled wryly. “A servant is paid. So I was  really more like a slave.”

Sophie looked over at Araminta. She was standing with her arms crossed and her nose tipped in the air. Her lips were  pursed tightly, and it suddenly struck Sophie how very many times before she had seen that exact same expression on Araminta’s face. More times than she could dare to count. Enough times to have broken her soul.

Yet here she was, dirty and penniless to be sure, but with her mind and spirit still strong.

“Sophie?” Benedict asked, gazing at her with a concerned expression. “Is everything all right?”

She nodded slowly, because she was just coming to realize that everything was all right. The man she loved had (in a rather roundabout way) just asked her to marry him, Araminta was finally about to receive the drubbing she deserved—at the hands of the Bridgertons, no less, who would leave her in shreds by the time they were through, and Posy ... now that might have been the loveliest of all. Posy, who had always wanted to be a sister to her, who had never quite had the courage to be herself, had stood up to her mother and quite possibly saved the day. Sophie was one hundred percent certain that if Benedict had not come and declared her his fiancee, Posy’s testimony would have been the only thing to save her from transportation—or maybe even execution. And Sophie knew better than anyone that Posy would pay dearly for her courage. Araminta was probably already plotting how to make her life a living hell.

Yes, everything was all right, and Sophie suddenly found herself standing a little straighter as she said, “Allow me to finish my story. After the earl died, Lady Penwood kept me on as her unpaid lady’s maid. Although in truth I was made to do the work of three maids.”

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