Zeokinizul was moved with such exalted Virtue, and being naturally tender and compassionate, he was grieved at seeing the Afflictions of two Lovers whom he himself had render'd unhappy. A Ray of Wisdom opened his Eyes, and restored him to himself. He raised up Nasica, and gave Orders himself for the Preparations of her Marriage with the young Bassa, who afterwards became one of his chief Favourites.

So difficult an Act of Justice against himself, is one of the most glorious Periods of this Monarch's Reign. His Love for Nasica settled in a tender Friendship for this virtuous Lady, and soon after taking a Disgust at the Commerce of Women, he fixed a Resolution to abandon it entirely. His People became his whole Care. They adored him for the Wisdom and Goodness of his Administration during the Remainder of his Reign, which was much shorter than they desired. He endeavoured by his Instructions and Examples, to leave in his Son a worthy Successor, whose Virtues might keep up a lasting Idea of him. Such noble Cares were not disappointed, for the Name of the great Zeokinizul, and the illustrious Heir of his Crown, will be held in immortal Remembrance among the grateful Kofirans.

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