They went up to him, and after some Excuses for their Freedom, invited him to drink of their Liquor. One of them offer'd to bear him Company as far as Kofir, as he was going to that City. The Slave overjoy'd at meeting with a Fellow Traveller, and relying on the Swiftness of his Horse, staid here longer than he ought. The Wine overpower'd him, and his artful Companion plying him with Bumpers, soon disabled him from going any farther. The Sot fell asleep, his Pockets were searched, and the Letter was known by the Direction to be one of those which they were order'd to intercept. One of them immediately set out to carry it to him who had appointed the Ambuscade, and he flew to deliver it to Zeokinizul. As the young Bassa appeared to know who was his Rival, suitable Measures were to be taken, and such an Answer sent to him as might throw him into Despair, and make him abandon a Passion which was now become dangerous. That it might have the better Effect, Nasica's Hand was exactly imitated, and every discouraging Argument forcibly urged. This counterfeited Letter gave him to understand, in the Name of his Mistress, that a crowned Lover being more acceptable to her than a private Subject, she strictly commanded him never to write, or speak one Word more of his presumptuous Passion.

This little Artifice proved of very happy Consequence to Zeokinizul. The young Bassa, who had a most respectful Regard for him, thought it became him to return Contempt for Contempt. His Answer was carefully deliver'd to the King, who could not but be highly pleased that the Credulity of his Rival should promote his Love. To complete his Satisfaction, he ordered a Letter to be writ to Nasica, in which her Lover freely exhorts her to take him for a Patern, and make another Choice. All these Batteries being so well disposed, Zeokinizul began to think of disclosing himself. He gave a Ball to his whole Court, in order to favour his Design, at which all the Ladies having an Opportunity of entertaining themselves with their favourite Diversions were highly delighted, and full of Gaiety. Nasica alone, seem'd insensible in the midst of all these Entertainments. She retired at a Distance to avoid the Conversation of the gallant Nobility.

The soft Languor of her Eyes sufficiently declar'd the Sorrow of her Heart, and that the proper Person was wanting to dissipate it. Zeokinizul, chose this Time to begin his Addresses. Charming Nasica, says he, his Eyes sparkling with Love, what Disquietudes are those to which you seem to abandon yourself. Is there any Mortal so happy as to cause them? I do not think, Sire, return'd she, that what your Highness calls Disquietudes in me, can Interest you so far as to ask me the Occasion of them.---- Ah, Gods! not be interested, replied the transported Monarch, can you doubt of it, have not my Countenance, my Eyes, even my very Silence, which I have respectfully observ'd till now, have not all these informed you, that my Happiness entirely depends on your Repose and Contentment. Let not the charming Nasica be angry, continued he, perceiving, that she heard him with Resentment, I love you indeed, but my Passion is so pure, so submissive, that it can give no just Offence to your severe Vertue. I little imagined, interrupted she, that all these splendid Entertainments of the Court concealed any Design of throwing me into such alarming Apprehensions. Alarming Apprehensions! replied the King, is it then Matter of Grief to the loveliest Person now present, that her Charms have captivated her Sovereign?

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