Zeoteirizul, the First of the Two, was Son to the greatest King that ever govern'd the Kofirans. Being scarcely eight Years old when the Crown devolv'd to him by his Father's Death, his Mother seiz'd the Reins of Government. This Princess who was a Neitilene by Birth, was related to the King of Jerebi. Secret History relates that, prompted by her Ambition, she entered into a private Treaty with her Relation, her Husband's most inveterate Enemy, and contrived his Murder, which was unfortunately executed, to the great Loss and Grief of all true Kofirans. What aggravates the Guilt is, that this worthy Prince was stabb'd on the very Day of her Coronation, at a Juncture when he was giving this flagitious Wretch the highest Mark of his Affection.

No sooner was the Queen declared Regent of the Kingdom, but she bent all her Endeavours to establish her Power by protracting the King's Minority, as long as possible. She constantly amused the young Prince with Toys and Triffles; she kept him in such Awe that he trembled at her Appearance, and durst not refuse paying a blind Obedience to those whom she had placed near him. But so short-sighted is human Artifice, that what she imagined would be the Basis of her Power, was the very Thing which overthrew it. A crafty Mollak having insinuated himself into her Confidence, made Use of it to gain that of the young King; and being too sagacious a Politician not to foresee what he had to fear from this enraged Woman, if he left her any Degree of Power or Opportunity of hurting him, he compelled her to leave the Kingdom in a disgraceful Manner; and by this successful Boldness, he became Master of the young King, and the Depository of his Authority. His Pride, the general Vice of his Order, made him take a Pleasure in humbling the Nobility. He brought all Employments to depend upon the Court, and by this Means the Persons of Quality to court the Minister's Favour, which effectually exalted the Sovereign as much above them as he himself affected in all Things to appear beneath him.

This Management soon brought upon him the Hatred of the whole Nation; but notwithstanding such a declared and general Hatred, he was succeeded by another Mollak. He had the same Views as his Predecessor, tho' he acted on different Maxims. And the former having succeeded in reducing the first Order nearer the second, he was for bringing them both to an Equality, and raising the third to a Level with them, by making all Employments and Dignities venial; and, without any Regard to Merit, constantly bestowing them on the highest Bidder. Thus, as the same Posts and Honours were equally attainable by the Citizen and Gentleman, there was no material Distinction betwixt them. The Government which had flourished as Monarchical, was become an absolute Despotism. And whereas the King in all important Transactions, was dependant on the Assembly of the States, who were look'd upon as the Defenders and Interpreters of the Laws; both Laws and States were now only mere Phantoms, which he could raise or annihilate at his Pleasure. It is true, that this has made the King of the Kofirans the most powerful Monarch in the Universe; but perhaps, it also makes the People the most miserable; tho' an abject Veneration for their Kings will not permit them to own their Slavery, or lament their Grievances.

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