Zeokinizul, after the Victory, applied himself to shew the Conquered how highly he esteemed their Courage. It was ordered, that the same Care should be taken of their wounded, as of his own Soldiers. The imprudent and scandalous Report of some barbarous Orders issued by the Prince of Alniob, in Case of his Success, made not the least Impression on this magnanimous King, and all Africa joined in owning that the Kam of Lundamberk and his Allies, could not have a more worthy Conqueror than Zeokinizul. The Congratulations of his dear Kismare were still wanting, to complete the Joy and Honours of this Victory. He hastened, transported with Love, to lay his Laurels at her Feet, and tell her that he was animated by her charming Idea, in the midst of all the Horrors of the Battle. Here was a fresh and very worthy Motive to increase her Tenderness towards him. But, who can know a Woman? This Instant was to be the Period of it, or at least to put it to a severe Trial.

A young Prisoner, one of the most illustrious of the Nobility of Alniob, having desired Admittance to Zeokinizul, was introduced to him in his Tent, where he was sitting with the Favourite. She was struck at the Sight of him, as indeed there never was any Man fitter to make a Woman unfaithful, and justify her Infidelity. His Mein and Air spoke the Hero, and his Address to the Monarch declared, that his Sentiments were answerable. "Sire, said he, all our Efforts have not hindered Victory from declaring itself for you. Tho' I can no longer continue fighting with my brave Fellow-Soldiers, I could wish not to remain among mine Enemies. Your Highness is no Stranger to Love, and it is that which calls me back to my own Country. Be pleased therefore, to grant me Permission to return, which will not a little augment your Glory, that I shall there appear in Chains instead of those Trophies which I hop'd to have adorn'd my Return."

The majestic Air with which this young Warriour delivered himself, moved Zeokinizul, who immediately answered, "You are at full Liberty to depart, and may Love do you more Justice than Fortune." This Generosity of Zeokinizul, was planting a Dagger in the Favourite's Heart, who had already conceived too great a Passion for the Prisoner, to consent so readily to his Departure. Her Passion hindered her from reflecting on the Consequences which might flow from it, and turning towards the Monarch, she said, "Sire, let not your extreme Generosity betray your Interest. When this young Warriour is again among his Countrymen, he may engage them to come and attack you a second Time.

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