The Death of his Minister soon changed the Face of the whole Court. Zeokinizul, who hitherto could not bear the least Application to Business, now regularly shut himself up every Day for some Hours, in order to consult Means to repair the Losses of the Nation, and retrieve its Strength and Character. Now all Remembrance of its many disheartening Miscarriages was soon lost in the Glory of his Conquests. The chief Motive of this War, was to lessen the vast Acquisitions of the Emperor of the Maregins. His Daughter the Queen of Ghinoer, who was an aspiring, lofty, and resolute Princess, in contempt of the many Treaties made to prevent it, insisted that her Sex did not exclude her from inheriting all her Father's Dominions.

Besides, an Army of tried Veterans which had served the late Emperor with so much Honour, her heroic Courage, together with her extraordinary Beauty so universally engaged the Hearts of her Subjects, that to a Man they offered to inlist and support her Claim at all Events. Zeokinizul, very well knew, that the Efforts of his whole Power would be requisite to humble such a formidable Enemy; yet, had he not exerted himself above common Measures, all would have been feeble and insufficient, on Account of the Emptyness of the Treasury, the Decay of Trade, the Scarcity of Men, and the Discontent of the People. To regain the Esteem of the Kofirans, whom his Indolence, and the weak and wicked Ministration of Jeflur had alienated, he caused it to be declared, that he was resolved to head his Army in Person: Surprising Turn, fortunate Instance of the Easiness and Loyalty of his Subjects. All the King's Deviations, though of such bad Consequences, were instantly forgotten. He had now been on the Throne near thirty Years, yet they made this generous Change the Æra of his Inauguration. Not a Murmur was heard, there was no longer any Appearance, at least any Complaint of Distress. Old Noblemen came with Pride from the farthest Provinces, to place their Sons in their Sovereign's Houshold Troops. Farmers freely parted from their lusty Children, though the helpful Companions of their Labours, and a part of their last Farewel, was to fight manfully in the Presence of their King, who so nobly would share in the Danger, for the Honour of the Nation. In fine, Zeokinizul's Amours, which had so greatly disgusted the Kofirans, because they had been disappointed in the Effect they wish'd and expected from them, were indifferent Matters to them, now he manifested a Genius for Glory; instead of Ridicule and Invective about his Irregularities, War was all the Subject of Discourse, and every one according to the Fertility of his Invention, laid magnificent Schemes to raise their King to an unparallell'd Glory.

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