She had three Sisters still remaining, who all longed impatiently to show themselves to their Sovereign, though they were none of Nature's Master-pieces. Coquetry and something worse had always been hereditary in this Family, who yet seem to have bewitch'd Zeokinizul. The eldest of these three Sisters, was the Widow of a Bassa of the second Rank, she expected the Precedence as being a little more sprightly than the others; and full of a high Conceit of her Desert, she depended on keeping her Station long enough to put the others out of all Hopes. She had a great deal of Leutinemil's Temper, only still more Ambition. There had formerly been a very close Intimacy betwixt her and Kelirieu, and it is thought, that he espoused her Interests as much through Gratitude, as Envy and Revenge to displace Liamil.

Her continued Familiarity with Zeokinizul, had worn away even that little Modesty which the most abandoned Prostitutes are seen to retain; and having been long in Possession of his Spouse's Rights, she came to look upon herself as such; and made no Scruple of seeing Company when she was just coming from her Lover's Arms, and her Face full of the Marks of his eager Caresses. I have been assured by several Noblemen, that one Day she threw herself out of an Arbour, under Pretence of avoiding Zeokinizul's Embraces with her bare Breast and loose Hair, and said to them, very unconcernedly, for God's Sake see how this Fornicator has handled me. She had now lost all Relish for these delightful Parties of Pleasure, whilst they were to be in private, and was continually importuning her Lover to chuse a Set of Associates. Kelirieu, to compass his own Aim, seconded the Favorite's Desire with such flattering Stories, that his Master recommended to him the Care of finding out some Persons of both Sexes who were fit to bear a Part in these Festivals of Bacchus, and the Cytherean Deity. The Confident laid hold of this Opportunity at length, to gratify Lenertoula's Impatience to be introduced to the King. Her Sister Liamil, who had entertained no Suspicion at her Punctuality in shewing herself at Court, was as easy with Regard to her being admitted as one of the Guests. But Zeokinizul was not so indifferent about her, for he fell violently in Love with her at her first Appearance. Lenertoula observed him very attentively, and artfully avoided any Steps which might give him Reason to conclude, that she was his own. The Monarch was caught in the Snare, and when she perceived the Force of his Love was equal to her Wish, she declar'd to him the Conditions on which alone she would yield herself up to his Embraces. Zeokinizul could refuse her nothing. Rank, Titles, Riches, all was laid at her Feet; and Lenertoula being now in no Danger of Disappointments, or at least in a Condition to support them, was under no Apprehension of her Intrigues becoming publick.

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