Satires and Lampoons flew about every where, in which both Lover and Mistress were so openly exposed, that any one who was a Stranger to their Fickleness, and how suddenly they pass from one Extreme to the other, would have been apprehensive that the most dangerous Commotions were at hand. However, Zeokinizul was so charmed with Liamil, that he was continually with her. He pitched upon the House of an old Bassa of the first Rank, for the more peaceable and secure Enjoyment of the Delights of his new Mistress. All the Inventions of the most refined Luxury, were employed to add new Incentives to Wantonness. The House seemed the very Residence of Love and Delight. Every Thing in it declar'd the Elegance of the Mistress, and the Magnificence of the Lover. Each succeeding Day brought with it the most ravishing Scenes, without any Alarm or Disturbance. The old Bassa and his Family saw no more than the Prologue, only some few Spectators of approved Discretion and Secrecy, were admitted to be present at the Plot of the Play, but for the Conclusion, it was privately transacted between the two chief Actors.

It is a Saying of a great Kofiran Poet, that Virtue is like a steep Island, there is no setting Foot on it again when once one is out of it. Zeokinizul was a sad Instance of this. In the midst of these delightful Meetings, which consisted entirely of Confidence, Liamil obtain'd Leave for one of her Sisters to be admitted. Imprudent Creature! not to see that after she herself had stifled all Remorse in her Lover's Heart, their being so nearly related would not be Proof against Love, nor hinder her from becoming her Rival. This Lady, who could not boast of more Beauty than her Sister, surpass'd her even in Wit, and was possess'd of all the Arts and Qualities requisite in a Favourite. She was as enterprizing as Liamil was moderate; of unbounded Ambition, haughty, revengeful, entirely bent on her own Interest, and aiming at royal Favour only for its Advantages, such was Leutinemil.

She no sooner perceiv'd how easy it would be to supplant her Sister, but she formed the Design, and Zeokinizul who began to be pall'd with the long Enjoyment of so indifferent a Mistress, was easily inclin'd to vary the Object of his Love. He therefore commenced an Amour with Leutinemil, but however, was far from discarding her Sister, his View being only to sharpen his Appetite with Novelty, in order to return with the greater Gust to his first Entertainment. Love is well known to pay no Regard to the Tyes of Nature; Liamil was so exasperated at Leutinemil's being her Rival, that she forgot she was her Sister. She hastened to inform Jeflur, and to engage him to revenge her Quarrel. The Mollak was thunderstruck at this News, for such an Alteration in the King had shipwreck'd all his Hopes. His two thousand Tomans were lost, and he seem'd on the Brink of his Ruin. In this Extremity he had Recourse to Kelirieu.

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