The feeling of being inside her mouth was intense, intoxicating, and utter bliss. And then she moved.

His body almost lifted off the bed as she slid up and down his shaft, sucking first gently, then firmer. He had received many blow jobs in his time, but boy, Nina was mastering him without any coaching, as if she knew exactly what he needed.

Amaury could barely wait to repay her with the same kind of attention she currently lavished on him. In fact, before he buried his throbbing cock in her, he would taste her thoroughly and make her come in his mouth. He would drink her juices like it was nectar of the Gods.

Tonight, he wouldn’t allow her any sleep, but would satisfy her every desire until she would collapse in his arms. Then, and only then, he would allow her to sleep, safely cradled in his arms, protecting her from the evil outside his four walls.


Nina sensed his excitement. It was hard to miss. With every move of her mouth, Amaury’s moans became louder and more frequent, and his hips pumped harder. She was pleased with herself about how she could reduce this vampire to the brainless man in lust he was right now. The only thing he listened to at the moment was his desire. All his other senses were dulled.

Exactly like she’d planned it. Well, almost. She hadn’t planned on enjoying this so much. Never before had a man’s body aroused her like his godlike form did. But despite the desire he ignited in her, she had to do what she must. Otherwise everything was for nothing.

After her run-in with Amaury’s friends, she’d already written this night off as a complete disaster – until the moment he’d started kissing her. Right then, a plan had formed in her mind. She was bent on using this opportunity to get information from him. She could turn this catastrophic night into a positive one.

That in the process she would enjoy his amazing body, she hadn’t expected. The guilt this feeling sent through her heart was hard to deny. But she tried to justify it nevertheless.

She gave his erection one last long lick over its bulbous head. Ah, but he tasted good. Sexy, hot, masculine. His spicy scent made her sex clench violently and her womb protest when she released him.

“Come here, I need to be inside you.” Amaury looked at her and reached his hands out to grasp her shoulders.


She shook her head. “Didn’t I say to keep your eyes closed and your hands on the headboard?”


“Yes. I’m not done with you.” No, not quite yet. She wasn’t in position yet. She needed about fifteen more seconds.

“Chérie, you’re killing me.”

If he only knew. Like a good boy he closed his eyes again and put his hands back onto the bars of the headboard, clearly expecting more pleasure to come his way. And under other circumstances she would have jumped at the chance of driving him wild with her mouth. Purely for sexual gratification, of course, without any emotions involved, she told herself.

But now was the time for her to act. While her mouth placed small kisses on his abdomen and licked his navel, her hand reached into her jacket pocket. Her fingers felt the cold chain. She was aware that he would hear the rustling, but she knew how to distract him.

“Your body is amazing. So hard, so sexy.” Nina let out a fake moan and felt him respond with a stifled moan of his own. She used the moment to pull the silver chain out of her pocket. For a second, she wondered whether her information was correct that a vampire couldn’t break a silver chain, but it was too late to go back now. She had to execute her plan.

Licking her way north, her tongue lapped against his hard nipple, where she lingered for a few seconds. She drew the hard nubbin into her mouth and sucked greedily then sank her teeth into his flesh. She bit gingerly, just enough to heighten his arousal and drive him to the edge.

Inflicting the same torture on his other nipple, she lifted herself over him and straddled him. Instantly his hips undulated, and his hard shaft pressed against her center. Damn, it was good to feel his hardness. She sensed her body melt as the wetness between her thighs increased. Her panties were soaked with her desire. If only she could feel him inside her, just once, maybe it would eradicate the ache she felt right now. Maybe the longing would go away, maybe her womb would stop clenching in response to his movements—


Nina released his nipple and moved further up, kissing the side of his neck he so obligingly offered her, almost as if Amaury wanted her to bite him. How odd a notion, to bite a vampire, yet she clearly saw the image before her: her teeth sinking into his flesh. The red liquid painting her lips, lapping over her tongue, running down her throat. She blinked and the vision was gone.

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