Denella, on the other hand, was more of the sporty type. She admired her job and enjoyed helping other people. Her dark brown hair was long and resembled flowing water. She had hazel eyes that looked like they changed colour in the sun and her face was round.

She closed her eyes as her mind flooded with thoughts.

R.O.S.S. Headquarters, Belle City, Two weeks later, 7:41a.m

"Good morning, Oakley," John said cheerfully, "Ready for your new mission with Brandon?"

"I guess so. What do I have to do this time?" Denella asked.

"You and Brandon will be investigating a young women by the name of Judy Walker. She went missing a few nights ago. She was last seen with her ex at the Sanfield pub. Witnesses say that they saw her ex with a gun in his hand when they were getting in the car together. First, I want you two to go to the pub, and then you can go check out her apartment and see if you can find any clues."

"Sure, boss, but where exactly is Brandon?"

"He said he was running a little bit late."

"Late? Boss, I can't work with late. Either you're early or you're right on time."


"Oakley, it's his first day. Just give him a chance."

"Someone is missing out there and the more time we waste, the less time they could possibly have to live!"

"Fine, you'll go without him." John said as Denella got her jacket.

"Wait! I'm here." Brandon yelled as he breathed deeply.

John smiled. "Great, now you both can go."

"What? I thought you said that I could go on my own."

"Oakley, it's not your choice if you want to go alone. You will go with Brandon, period."

Denella held in her anger as she stormed off to the elevator. Brandon followed behind, trying to keep his distance.

"I'm sorry if I'm a problem to you." Brandon said as the elevator door closed. "I can tell that you like to work alone. The last thing I want to do is to make you unhappy. You are the person I look up to . . . I mean, you're the best one on the team. So again, I'm sorry."

Denella inhaled the airless elevator smell. "No, you shouldn't be the one who's apologizing, I am. I may have said some things and, trust me, I'm not proud of it. You're right, I do prefer to work alone, but I guess a partner won't be so bad. So, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. I was just hoping that we could be friends."

She smiled. "Sure. I'd like that."

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