He sighed as his phone rang. He got it from his back pocket and checked to see who it was. Hoping it was Denella, he sighed again when he figured out that it was a blocked number. Not knowing who it was, he answered .

"Hello?" he said.

"Hello, Mr. Heath." The person greeted.

"Celcus." Raphael said, spitting out the name as if it were poison. "What do you want?"

"Oh, what a lovely way to greet your fellow enemy." His sarcasm rang through the speakers. "Where is your little girlfriend?"

Raphael swallowed and took a while to answer. " . . . Why do you care?" he finally managed to emit.

"Hmmm . . . something happened, didn't it? Well, don't answer that because I don't really care anyways."

"Why are you calling me? Denella will be showing up tonight, so you don't have to worry."

"It's not Denella I want." Celcus took a deep breath. "The dearest Judy Walker is tied up below you in T.E.R.S.E.'s basement. If you want to see her alive and rescue her, go. Go before it's too late."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Raphael asked.


"Do I ever bluff? If you don't go, then you'll never know if I'm telling the truth or if I'm just playing with you." he chuckled. "It's your choice if you want to save her."

"Why are you telling me this. Why are you making this so easy for me?"

Celcus laughed. "What makes you so sure that I'm making this easy for you? I'm just being kind. After all, you or your little girlfriend were never going to find her anyways. I had no choice but to give you the biggest clue. Let's face it, all you guys were doing was just make me bored. I needed some action. So, I'm getting rid of Judy because I already have my new hostage." He laughed again.

"You better let Natasha go or else I'm going to . . ." Raphael raged, but he figured out that Celcus had hung up the phone.

He had to save Judy.

R.O.S.S. Headquarters, Belle City, 7:26p.m

There were only a few more minutes until it would be time for Denella to go to the old Seakards Factory. The doors shut behind her as she walked to her car. She opened the car door and before she could get in, she could hear the shuffling of someone's feet behind her. She turned around and wasn't surprised when she saw who it was.

"Brandon, what are you doing here?" she queried.

He slowed down and finally stopped running. "I-I don't know. I saw you head out and I was just wondering where you were going."

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