The elevator doors closed as a hole appeared in Brandon's heart.

T.E.R.S.E. Headquarters, Belle City, 12:12a.m

"There's my best agent, I've been looking all over for you. Where've you been, Heath?" Terrance Earl Easton questioned as he walked up to Raphael and guided him to his office.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up on the way with some guy." Raphael explained as he closed the door behind him.

"It's fine. I was wondering if you could look into a case for me."

"Sure, who am I going after this time?"

"Not who, what. The Amarillo Starlight went missing last night from the Sliver Wood Museum. It's a diamond. I had the team research about it, and they've found it. It's located in the Blue Bridges Warehouse outside of Belle City. There's been no one there for years, since it's closed down, so it should be empty, except for security. I want you to check it out and see what you can find."

"Sure thing, boss."

Blue Bridges Warehouse, Wichburg, 12:19a.m.

Denella scaled to the top of the building and opened a hatch that led to the inside of the warehouse. She looked inside. There were three men inside guarding the diamond. She put on her mask, an eye mask that John had given her, and used a rope to lower herself to the ground as quiet as falling snow. It was dark inside. The shadows from the trees outside were dancing on the walls. The coolness from the building made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

"Hello, I'm looking for an Amarillo Starlight. Just wondering if any of you boys have, by any chance, seen it?" Denella asked sarcastically.

"Hey! You shouldn't be here." One of the men shouted. "Get her!" He ordered.

One of the men came at her. She punched him, and then kicked him, which sent him flying across the room to the ground. The other men came behind her and one tried to choke her, but she tripped him and he fell to the floor. The last guard was short and reeked of too much cologne. He ran away faster than a bullet in mid air about to hit its target.

A satisfying smile appeared upon Denella's face, but later turned into a puzzled look after noticing the diamond was gone.

"Looking for this?" Raphael asked.

Denella quickly turned around to find a gorgeous, muscular, brown-eyed guy who looked her age. The smile on his face was the mysterious type, and he had dimples just like her. "'Gimme' that!

"Gimme, Gimme never gets. Don't you know your manners yet?" He said slowly.

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