"It takes one person to forgive, it take two people to be reunited."

-Lewis B. Smedes

The Coffee Shop, Belle City, 1:09p.m

Raphael sipped the last of his coffee. Yes, he always drank coffee in the morning, but right now, coffee was just a substitute for alcohol, even though he didn't drink. He couldn't remember why he was even there. Henry was dead and he didn't know what exactly to do.

He watched out of the window and noticed a lady across the street. She had short, shoulder length hair that was brightly coloured in orange. Her hair had so much volume in it, it bounced and jumped on her shoulders. She was wearing light pink pants and a white blouse. Her pants wear so tight that they showed all of her curves. Her skin wasn't pale, but it wasn't tanned, just in between. She wore big sunglasses that covered her eyebrows, as well as her eyes. Her lips were painted in a bright shade of pink. You couldn't walk by her and not notice them.

Raphael thought back to all of the files they've had. She, for some reason, looked quite familiar. All of a sudden, Raphael recognized her. He knew who she was. His mouth was left wide open. Not thinking, he went outside and began to follow her. He stayed on the opposite side of the road so she wouldn't notice him, but lost her when she got into a taxi and it drove off. This had to be her, but it all didn't make sense. He thought she was missing. But maybe none of it was true. Maybe she faked her disappearance and it was all planned for Celcus to be the one they blamed. Now it all made sense. But there was only one question, why? Judy Walker didn't disappear after all.

Denella's House, Belle City, 2:03p.m

Denella tried calling Raphael a few times, but she couldn't get a hold of him. After the fourth time trying, she began to get worried. She even tried calling Brandon. She left multiple messages on both of their voicemails, but still no answer. Back at the hospital, she asked the nurse at the front desk if there was someone by the name of Brandon Switz staying there, and the nurse had told her no. Denella kept thinking of the worst case scenario.


She remembered how she showed John the note that she found in the security guard's pocket. Instead of focusing on who was really behind this whole mess, she kept narrowing her focus to Celcus. Celcus wasn't the one they were really supposed to be after. Well, yes, Celcus has done horrible things. He's been armed many times with a gun when he didn't even have a permit, and he still doesn't have one. He also blew up a store and killed many people that day. He wasn't the guy they were really after, but they were still looking for him.

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