"It is better to lead from behind and put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership."

-Nelson Mandela

R.O.S.S. Headquarters, Belle City, 8:06a.m

"Denella, I was looking for you," Brandon started, "John sent me a text a few minutes ago. He said that his mom fell down and hit her head in the retirement home she stays at. He will be away for a few days. He wants me to take his place until he comes back."

"What do you mean he wants you to take his place? You've only been here less than a month." Denella stated.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I don't think I can do it. I was hoping you could do it instead."

"Of course I'll do it," she paused for a second, "You're making a very good choice. Picking me to be in charge is something anyone would do." She, of course, said that with pride, for she had a high self-esteem most of the time.

He smiled, "John also gave me instructions on what we needed to do since we got a lead on the case. We were keeping track of all the phone calls Celcus makes and gets. Last night, he got a call from someone, but we're not sure who. The phone call was from a payphone. We need to find out who called him."

"How am I supposed to find out who called Celcus if the person called him from a payphone?" Denella questioned in curiosity. She was still trying to figure out why John told Brandon why he had to go and not her. And, she thought that John's mom lived in a house, not a retirement home. John also talked to Brandon about Celcus and instructed him on what they had to do. Brandon was the one who John chose to take his place while he was gone. Denella was starting to think that John had a new favourite agent and she was getting a little envious. But the fact that Brandon thought she was capable of the job and not him, made that jealousy go away.


Raphael's House, Belle City, 8:17a.m

Raphael led Henry to his computer room where all of the computers were set up. they both sat down as Raphael turned on one of the computers. It instantly lit up and showed a small picture of his face. Underneath, was a blank space for him to type his password. Henry watched closely as Raphael quickly punched in six letters T-E-R-E-S-A. It spelt his mother's first name. It loaded for a few seconds, and then the home screen flashed up. It was a picture of him and his parents in front of the Eiffel tower in the romantic Paris. He opened one of the many folders he had on his the desktop and skimmed through the files. One of them were Celcus'. He clicked on it and went through a list of all the calls Celcus made or received.

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