Raphael's House, Belle City, 8:14a.m

"So, what happened?" Denella questioned."

"I asked Henry a few questions, and I think you're right about him. He lied about getting fired from his dad's place, and when I asked the reason why he 'quit', he snapped at me."

"There's something definitely wrong about this guy. It's time for me to meet him."

"What are you planning to do?"

"Just get to know him a little. Maybe go on a date."

Henry's Apartment, Belle City, 8:26a.m

Raphael knocked on the door and waited for someone to come and answer it. The date idea wasn't the best one in his opinion, but he was willing to give it a try. He heard the sound of someone unlocking the door and when the door opened, he saw Henry standing there.


"What are you doing here? Did you follow me home from work?" Henry questioned.

"No, I just wanted to stop by. Is everything okay?" Raphael asked.

"I'm fine. You've stopped by already so I think you can leave." Henry rudely said as he slowly pushed the door close.

Raphael stopped him from closing the door with his foot. "We need to talk."

Raphael's House, Belle City, 8:42a.m

Denella scanned Henry's file over and over again, looking for some kind of pattern. It was like her and Raphael thought the same thoughts because she had a better idea instead of going on a date. Raphael could become closer with Henry and they could go to someplace like the Sanfield Pub. Raphael would excuse himself to go to the bathroom and that's where she would come in and introduce herself.

It was the perfect idea, but she would somehow have to get the news to Raphael before he said anything to Henry and made plans for something else. She scrolled through the list of people he'd been talking to on his cell phone. Celcus's name was the most recent one on there. Denella was sure there was something up with Henry, but she wasn't sure what it was.

Henry's Apartment, Belle City, 8:50a.m

"I know that Celcus is your brother." Raphael said.

"He's my half-brother!" Henry yelled. Calmly, he said, "Who else knows about this?"

"Just me." Raphael lied.

"Don't tell anyone else."

"Why didn't you tell anyone in the first place?" He interrogated.

"If I told anyone, no one would trust me again. Celcus keeps calling me. I don't know what he wants, but he won't stop. I tried changing my number, but that didn't work either. Celcus has been arrested more than once, and he was accused of killing my parents. Just think about it, a 15 year old stabbed both of my parents."

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