He grabbed her wrist when she tried to let go of his hand. “Wait, if you’d just let me—”

“You touch her again and you’re gonna be sorry about a lot more than that night at Jardiniere.”

Rylann looked over and saw Kyle standing in the kitchen doorway, his blue eyes flashing angrily. He looked angry and tense and ready to rumble.

“Kyle,” she said in surprise as Jon instantly dropped her wrist.

His gaze turned to her, and for a moment he looked so unlike the devil-may-care charmer she knew that she wondered, with a sinking feeling, if he was mad at her. She had no clue how much he’d heard, and from his perspective, the scene he’d just walked in on could’ve looked bad—particularly to a guy who’d been cheated on by his last girlfriend.

But then he moved into the room and stood close to her side. “I think Rylann has made her feelings perfectly clear,” he said to Jon.

Jon blinked, recognition lighting in his eyes. “Holy shit, I know you. You’ve been in the news all week.” He shot Rylann a look of utter disbelief. “You’re f**king the Twitter Terrorist?” He laughed humorlessly. “You, the star assistant U.S. attorney, and an ex-con. You want to tell me how that’s ever going to work?”

“If I remember correctly, that’s none of your goddamn business anymore,” Kyle growled.

“Uh-oh, looks like I struck a nerve there,” Jon retorted.

Rylann stepped between them. “Okay, clearly we’ve got a bit too much testosterone in the room right now.” She put her hand on Kyle’s arm. “Can I talk to you out in the hall?”

He glared at Jon for a long moment—looking far more like an ex-con than a billionaire heir or computer geek—then turned back to Rylann and nodded. “All right.”


They stepped out her front door and into the small internal landing that fit barely more than her welcome mat and their two bodies. At the opposite end of the landing was a staircase leading down to the first- and second-floor apartments.

First things first. “What are you doing here?” she whispered after shutting the door behind them.

Kyle folded his arms across his chest. “Are you kidding me? I find you in the kitchen, with your ex-boyfriend declaring his undying love for you, and you ask me what I’m doing?”

“Well, I assumed your cross-examination was going to be quite lengthy, so I figured I’d get all my questions out of the way first.”

He pointed. “Don’t try to be cute when I’m pissed like this. And for the record, I came back because I forgot my watch on your nightstand. I heard a guy’s voice inside your apartment, and the door was unlocked, so I walked in.”

Did he now? “When you’re feeling a little less prickly, we should probably have a talk about boundaries and this whole possessive side of yours.”

“Fair enough. The next time I hear a strange man inside your apartment and find your door mysteriously unlocked, I won’t check to make sure you’re not being robbed or held at gunpoint by some lunatic felon that you’ve prosecuted.”

Rylann paused, thinking that over. “Perhaps this wasn’t the best time to take issue with the whole possessive thing.”

Kyle hooked a finger into the waistband of her skirt and pulled her closer. “Now it’s time for my cross-examination. First question: when’s the dickhead leaving?”

She cocked her head. “You’re not mad at me?”

“Oh, I was furious when I first walked in and saw you two standing there with his finger on your lips.” His expression relaxed a little. “But then I heard what you told him, about not being in love with him anymore.” He held her gaze. “Is it true what he said? That you wanted to marry him?”

Rylann hesitated, but she didn’t want to lie. “Back when Jon and I were together, yes, I thought we were going to get married.” When she saw Kyle clench his jaw, she continued on. “But that feels like a lifetime ago now. So much has happened since then.”

He seemed a little more appeased by that. “That brings us back to my first question: when is he leaving?”

She stepped closer, not wanting to fight about Jon. “He’ll be leaving soon. I promise. But he flew overnight on a plane from Italy to talk about this—I’m not just going to toss him out on the street.”

“Fine. I’ll do it for you.”

She reached up, sliding her hands up his chest. “Kyle, seven months ago a woman treated you like shit and acted with no regard for your feelings. I know the circumstances are different, but I’m not that callous. I can’t just slam the door in Jon’s face without giving him whatever closure he obviously needs.” She peered up at him. “Besides, you can trust me.”

He stared at her for a long moment before finally nodding. “Okay.”

Rylann exhaled in relief. Whether they were officially a couple or not, they’d just survived their first fight and had come out okay. Maybe better than okay, even.

Until Kyle changed the game on her.

“But your ex needs to understand that we’re together,” he said definitively. “In fact, I think it’s time everyone understands that. No more hiding out in your apartment, no more secret dates. If we’re really going to do this, let’s do it right.”

And just like that, they were having The Talk.

“YOU WANT TO have this discussion now? Right here?” Rylann asked him.

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