“I don’t want to see anymore,” Ben spun away from that memory or flashback or psychotic hallucination. Whatever the hell it was, he didn’t want to watch it anymore. He locked his fingers around William’s arm. “Get me out of here. Now.”

William lifted a brow. “It’s because you know who’ll be coming next.”

“Get me out of here!”

“But if I did that, you’d miss the whole point of this walk down memory lane.” William shook his head. “We’re not done in your past yet.”

“This is ridiculous! I don’t want—”

“This is a lesson, and it’s your last chance.” Then William’s eyes widened as he stared over Ben’s shoulder. “Here she comes.”

Ben almost bit him. No, no, no. Ben did not want to see this. Her. He didn’t want to see her.

His heart pounded hard in his chest. Please, no. She needed to run away. Run—

“Ben!” A woman’s voice called out. Worried. Scared. “Ben, where are you?”

“I don’t want to see this,” Ben growled.



He found himself looking toward that desperate cry. She was there. She was bundled up in the coat he’d given her, with her long, blonde hair spilling down her back. As she called for him, her face reflected her fear. Such a beautiful face. Heart-shaped, with glass-sharp cheekbones and a small, straight nose. He would have been able to pick her out anywhere.

Gorgeous. Delicate. So very perfect with her dark brown eyes and her lush, red lips.

And, once…so very mine.

She spotted the man covered in blood. She ran toward him. Threw her arms around him. Held him tight. “Oh, Ben! What happened? Where are you hurt? What can I do?” Her hands flew frantically over him. Then… “The blood…”

I don’t want to see this. The memory hurt too f**king much. It made him want to cut out his own heart. Right. Like he hadn’t already tried that a time or ten.

Ben’s eyes locked on William because he would not, could not, watch that scene any longer. “Simone should have left me in a bloody heap.” Simone Laurent. The woman with the eyes that had seemed to see straight into his soul.

Until he’d stopped having a soul.

“Isn’t that her ring that you had in your pocket?” William craned to see the couple over Ben’s shoulder. “I mean, you were planning to marry the lovely Simone. That’s why you came to the park, right? You asked her to meet you here so that you could propose to her.”

He’d lost everything in that park. “Get me out of here.”

“Um…you know, I’m not sure you’re getting the point of this little activity.” Now William’s hand slammed down on Ben’s chest, right over his heart. “Maybe you need a more, up-close view of the past. Just watching isn’t enough. Let’s try experiencing it firsthand.” William’s tattoos started to swirl as the demon began to chant. Then he said, “I can only give you an hour, but I think it will be long enough. While you’re there, it will be just like you’re living things for the first time. You won’t even remember me.”

What. The. Fuck?

“So just enjoy your time with her. The end will be the same, no matter what you do. It’s still a memory, only one you’re living.”

Ben could smell the scent of his own burning flesh. The snow fell harder, and then the fire raged once more, seeming to surge right up from William’s hand.

Ben screamed as he was consumed. But it was her name that he screamed. Simone. The only woman he’d ever loved.

The woman he’d killed.



Water slammed into his face. Ben blinked as steam rose around him. He shook his head and realized—

I’m in a shower.

Not just any shower, though. His hand flew out and yanked against the gleaming, gold faucet. He stumbled from the shower, his feet slipping a bit on the marble tile. This bathroom—it was in his New York penthouse.

He whirled around, his gaze flying to the left, to the right. My place.

“Ben, I’ve got a towel for you.”

He stiffened. That was Simone’s voice. He could smell her. That light, sweet scent of vanilla that had always clung to her.

Naked, dripping, he turned to face her. She stood in the doorway, a white towel held in her hands.

A dark wave of déjà vu swept over him. He felt as if he’d somehow lived this exact scene before. With her. And…something very bad had happened. The knowledge was there, but…clouded. Foggy.

“Ben?” Simone gazed up at him with worry clear on her face.

He backed up a step. “You should…stay away from me.” He wasn’t even sure why he gave her that warning.

Simone shook her head. Instead of getting away from him, she said, “I want to help you.” She crept forward until she stood right in front of him. Her right hand rose, and her soft palm settled against his chest. That one touch electrified him, and it sealed her fate.

“Please,” she whispered. “I want to help you.”

Chapter Three

Lust clawed through him. The need, the red-hot desire, seemed to burn Ben from the inside. He grabbed Simone, yanked her flush against him. His mouth locked on hers. He’d always tried to be so careful with her in the past. Played the gentleman because she mattered.

He wasn’t a gentleman any longer. Ben wasn’t even sure what he was. He just knew he needed Simone naked, and he had to be in her.

He carried her back to his bedroom. He ignored the glittering New York skyline. She was the only thing he could see. Desire pounded through him. His c**k was so swollen that he hurt and—

His teeth were extending. Stretching in his mouth.

Ben dropped Simone on the bed and stepped back, horrified.

“Ben?” Simone sat up on the bed and pushed back the blonde hair that had tumbled forward. “What’s wrong?”

She was so gorgeous and sexy staring up at him. Looking at him with those wide, dark eyes.

I’m going to hurt her. He grabbed for the control that he’d always held so easily in the past. Only that control was broken. Shattered. “You need to leave.”

Simone sucked in a sharp breath. Pain flashed over her face. “I thought…you said you loved me.”

He did love her, and that was why she needed to get the f**k away from him. “Something is different.” He turned away from her so that she wouldn’t see the fangs that were now fully extended.

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