Chapter 479: Astonishment! Shock!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Wu Tao felt absolutely disgusted just thinking about what had happened as if he had eaten a whole bowl of flies. The people he had hired to cause trouble ended up getting medical attention.

“F*ck. Why? This Brother Hu isn’t a good person either! Why would the Godly Doctor treat him and not me? I don’t f*cking believe it!” Wu Tao’s face was purple with rage.

His henchmen stood at the side, their hearts racing as they listened to their boss rant.

The Godly Doctor said that he could heal Wu Tao but because the Godly Doctor didn’t like him, the Godly Doctor wasn’t going to treat him at all. Maybe all that their boss had to do was to go there with a nicer attitude and beg the Godly Doctor to treat him. Maybe that would work.

To get the Godly Doctor to bow down was something only a person out of his mind would do.

If the Godly Doctor wasn’t going to heal their boss, the Godly Doctor wouldn’t lose anything, but their boss would lose all opportunities to get healed of his Muscular Dystrophy. Who would be the real loser then?

How on earth did Boss become an entrepreneur with a brain like that?

Time passed quickly.

Brother Hu’s daughter needed the acupuncture needles to take effect before the next step could be started.


The reporters stepped forward.

“Can we ask, was there anyone who asked you to come here to stop the Godly Doctor from treating his patients?” one of the reporters asked.

Brother Hu originally wouldn’t have said it but with Wu Tao’s personality, he would come up with another method to stop the Godly Doctor from treating more patients if he didn’t say it himself.

“Mmm, someone paid us to come here to cause a ruckus and that person is the CEO of Jiangning Land Development Company, Wu Tao. He has gotten Muscular Dystrophy and came here for treatment but the Godly Doctor declined to cure him, so he sent us down to cause trouble,” Brother Hu said.

The reporters were shocked after hearing what Brother Hu had said.

They were local reporters from Jiangning and they naturally knew about the Land Development Company and its CEO, Wu Tao. He was a philanthropist and had a good reputation in society. He had even been selected to be a representative for Jiangning. He didn’t have a very good reputation outside of the region but there weren’t any concrete reports against him. Maybe it was because he was good at concealing his tracks.

The Jiangning reporters felt like they had just stepped on a gold mine as they continued their line of questions.

“Godly Doctor, can we ask why you declined to cure him?”

Lin Fan looked at Brother Hu. He never thought that this lad would actually tell the truth, so he looked at the reporters and said, “This CEO isn’t a good person and has done a lot of despicable things, so I declined to cure him.

The reporters were all stunned.

“Godly Doctor, do you have any proof?” the reporters continued asking.

Brother Hu kept silent. What he knew about Wu Tao was something that was dangerous and could cause a huge situation to blow up.

However, after hearing what Lin Fan said, he was shocked.

“Proof? There is no need for proof. Just take for instance the most recent case where the foreign workers came to ask for their salary from Wu Tao. Instead, Wu Tao sent his men to beat them up. Regarding not paying foreign workers their salary, the Government has a very strong stance on this to prevent cases from happening. However, this happened with Wu Tao’s company and all he did was cover up his tracks.”

The reporters didn’t know who to believe but they felt that this news was going to blow up and become huge.

Just at this moment, Chairman Bi opened his mouth. “Whatever the Godly Doctor said probably has some truth in it. We got a few patients recently who were foreign workers and they were beaten up quite badly.”

“I know about that situation. Those foreign workers wanted to bring this case to court and a group of strangers came to the hospital to threaten them, almost wanting to beat them up again. After that, the police were called in and they fled the scene,” Director Zhou said.

The reporters looked at them intently. They had originally come here to interview the Godly Doctor but they never thought that they would get this story instead.

But now that they knew about it, they had to report on it. As far as these Jiangning reporters were concerned, they were a little scared and knew that this situation was a little dangerous.

But for reporters that came from other places, it didn’t matter how scandalous the news was since Wu Tao didn’t exert his influence on them at all. They didn’t have any ties with the Land Development Company either. Big news was big news, no matter how scandalous.

“Chairman Bi, could you bring us to see those foreign workers?”

“Sure, I’ll bring you up now,” Chairman Bi said.

Lin Fan smiled to himself. He didn’t have to do anything now that Chairman Bi took charge of the situation.

Wu Tao sat inside his limousine, bored as ever and his rage still welling within him. He had to think of another method to get at the Godly Doctor.

The inpatient department.

A few foreign workers lay on the beds, their faces looking bitter and downcast. They still harbored resentment against Wu Tao for sending men to beat them up.


The door opened.

The reporters streamed in.

“Can we ask if you guys are the foreign workers who were beaten up?”

Please forgive the reporters for being that crude and direct. After all, how else were they going to break the question?

“Who are you guys?” the foreign workers asked, their faces looking confused.

“We are reporters. Regarding your plight, we are very sorry for what happened. But if you are able to talk, we will do all we can to help you guys defend your rights.”

The foreign workers all lit up with hope after hearing what the reporters said. They began pouring out their anguish.

“Our situation is really pitiful. That cruel boss Wu Tao owed us our salary and never paid us. When we went to look for him to get out pay, all we got was a group of huge thugs who came to drag us off in a bread truck and beat us up in a secluded place.”

“Look at my back. All these wounds are because of them.”

“My legs have been broken by them.”

The foreign workers were all pointing at the wounds which they had gotten after being beaten up. The reporters continued to take pictures of them, their faces pale with disgust.

Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous!

To even have this kind of evil thing take place in their harmonious society of Jiangning. It was absolutely despicable.

“Reporters, we want to raise a police report.”

“Yes, we want to raise a report against those leaders who liaised with Wu Tao. They are guilty of bribery and other covert activities.”

The reporters in the ward were completely shaken.

It was simply too shocking!

With the lively and vivid description by the foreign workers, the evil deeds of the respected organization had come to light.

“How do you guys know about all the cover-ups?” the reporters asked curiously.

“Wu Tao said it himself. He said that if we wanted to lodge a complaint against him, it was as good as idiots dreaming. He started telling us his long list of people that he had exploited in the past,” the foreign workers said.

Some of the reporters had turned red with rage. The evil deeds of the company just weren’t right and Wu Tao still dared to say all he had done out loud.

This news was going to be huge.

Looking at the hopeful eyes of the foreign workers, the reporters felt like they had just served justice to society.

If they were going to do it, they had to cover every single angle to bring this despicable company to light.

Time passed, all the way until nighttime.

Lin Fan and his crew started packing up their things, preparing to leave.

Looking at the time, Lin Fan’s class gathering was nearing.

After the class gathering, it would be about time to leave this city.

He had roughly completed his run in Jiangning, setting up his clinic.

The next day!

Wu Tao was still in dreamland, completely oblivious to what was happening outside.

The Jiangning news world was completely peaceful, with nothing major happening.

However, something big was brewing on the internet.

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