Chapter 405: Let’s see what the specialist can do.

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

At the hospital!

“Madam Wang,” the nurse, Liang Yuan, greeted as she saw her. She was very sympathetic towards Madam Wang’s situation but there wasn’t much she could do to help. This kind of sickness wasn’t untreatable. If the patient herself had a strong will and wanted to recover from it, she could persevere through it. However, the thing was that Madam Wang’s daughter didn’t think much of the illness and wasn’t even afraid of losing her life. She didn’t have any thoughts of recovering from it by relying on her own strength. Then, Liang Yuan saw the man next to Madam Wang and was startled. “Master Lin.”

She was clearly excited. Master Lin’s scallion pancakes were very famous. Even anorexia sufferers could eat them. And Master Lin was very generous too. He had given the hospital a sample to study before. However, they couldn’t get a single lead.

“Mmm.” Lin Fan nodded. “How’s Madam Wang’s daughter?”

Liang Yuan took a glance at Madam Wang, then shook her head and replied, “It’s very bad.”

Indeed, they had exhausted all their options but still, the situation hadn’t improved. They could only watch idly as Madam Wang’s daughter gradually became skinnier. At times, they were angry too to see such a selfish daughter. She was really too selfish. But seeing how Madam Wang was, there was nothing they could do.

“Director Zhang, Master Lin from Cloud Street is here,” called out Liang Yuan. Director Zhang, who was checking on his patients instantly came forward with a smile. “Why are you here, Master Lin?”

“I ran into Madam Wang on the road, so I came to see how things were going,” said Lin Fan. To Lin Fan, anorexia was no longer an incurable disease. It was simple. He had an idea but he wanted to take a look at the situation first.


Director Zhang shook his head and said, “The situation is very bad. Wang Li Li is suffering from one of the worst cases of anorexia in our hospital. Her body is on the verge of a critical state. If we still don’t find an effective way to treat her, she…” Although he didn’t finish his sentence, everyone knew what he meant. She would be beyond hope.

Madam Wang was already used to this. She had once had hope, which had turned into despair, then back to hope again. Gradually, she had become numb. No matter how the situation turned out to be, she would be able to take it. However, right now, she just wanted to give a final effort to help her daughter recover. In the patient’s ward.

Lin Fan looked at Wang Li Li, who was lying asleep on the bed, weak but still breathing. His brows furrowed slightly. She really looked quite pitiful. But for a person to be pitiful, that person must have done something detestable.

“Director Zhang, judging by the current situation, how long more do you think she can be sustained?” asked Lin Fan.

Director Zhang thought for a moment before replying, “Judging by the current situation, she has at most one more month. If she could start consuming food and get the appropriate nutrition, she could slowly recover. However, her condition is too severe. She can’t even swallow any grains. She is only relying on the medicine to sustain herself. Her body has already deteriorated to a terrifying state.” At that moment, Liang Yuan spoke, “Director, the people from the specialist group are here.”

Lin Fan looked suspiciously at Director Zhang, wondering what was going on with this ‘specialist group’. Director Zhang explained, “Wang Li Li’s case, after being announced by reporters, has drawn much attention on the Internet. Wang Li Li’s family background isn’t wealthy so a round of donations was started on the Internet. This specialist group is from the Anorexia Research Centre, they’re very knowledgeable about anorexia, so we invited them over to have a look and see if they can alleviate the problem. I’m going to receive them. I’ll be back in a moment, Master Lin.”

Lin Fan nodded. “Alright.”

At that moment, only Lin Fan and Madam Wang remained in the ward. Madam Wang was wiping tears from her eyes. She had cried a lot over this matter. Seeing her daughter on the sick bed, her heart ached very much.

Lin Fan went forward and placed his hand on Wang Li Li’s wrist to check her condition.

“Little Boss, you…”

Lin Fan waved his hand, gesturing for her to be quiet. For this kind of illness, there weren’t many cases that were so severe in the whole country. Some cases of early-stage anorexia recover without any problems after making a few adjustments. For anorexia to develop to such a stage, Wang Li Li must have been looking for trouble herself to a certain degree.

Some people who face pressure at work actively make adjustments to their lifestyle upon discovering that they have anorexia and spontaneously cooperate with the doctors’ treatments. These people recover after a short time.

But cases like Wang Li Li’s, where the patient can’t even get off the bed, are extremely rare.

Lin Fan took out his phone and gave Zhao Ming Qing a call. “Ming Qing, I’m at XX hospital, come over here.” He called Zhao Ming Qing to get him to come and have a look. It wasn’t that Wang Li Li couldn’t be treated using Western Medicine but in her current state, the medicine wouldn’t be effective. If Chinese Medicine was used, it would be a gentler approach.

Of course, this was also the first time he let Zhao Ming Qing have a go. It was the start of a new lesson for Zhao Ming Qing.

Zhao Ming Qing had been about to go to the academy but now that he had received his teacher’s call, he changed his mind. Of course, he would have to go to his teacher’s location instead.

Moreover, when he had heard the word ‘hospital’, his heart trembled. Could it be that his teacher wanted to personally teach him a lesson? Just thinking about it made him excited.

In Madam Wang’s eyes, Master Lin wasn’t a doctor. She had no idea what Master Lin was doing. At that moment, she had placed all her hopes in the specialist group.

Lin Fan stood at the side as he awaited Zhao Ming Qing’s arrival. He had to discuss this matter with Zhao Ming Qing. If he treated her by himself, something might go wrong and the impact would be great. However, if they had the right medicine, it was possible. Anorexia wasn’t an incurable disease. With his personal treatment, he could produce a special medicine to treat her. Although it wouldn’t cure her immediately, it would definitely be able to treat her back to health eventually.

At that moment, a group of people came from outside.

Lin Fan took a look at them. Next to Director Zhang was a middle-aged man, who appeared to be forty or fifty-something. A group of people was following behind them. It seemed that they were the staff of the specialist group.

“Specialist Chang, this is Wang Li Li’s mother,” introduced Director Zhang. Then, he looked at Madam Wang and said, “This is the leader of Haicheng Anorexia Research Centre’s specialist group, Specialist Chang.”

When Madam Wang saw them, she immediately begged, “Specialist Chang, you have to treat my daughter back to health.”

Specialist Chang nodded at Madam Wang, then turned his gaze towards the sick bed. His brows furrowed as he asked, “Who is this young man?”

Director Zhang introduced, “This is Master Lin. His scallion pancakes can make anorexia sufferers eat but they can’t cure anorexia.”

Specialist Chang started laughing. “Is that so? What an ability.”

Within this smile, there was a sort of disdain. He then looked at Wang Li Li, who was lying on the bed, and said, “Just how much pressure could young people these days possibly face to get affected with such a severe sickness? In my opinion, most of them look for trouble themselves. They not only harm themselves but also cause harm to their family members.”

Lin Fan smiled and said, “That makes sense but you said it too bluntly.” Lin Fan agreed with what this specialist had said but this Specialist Chang didn’t think much of Lin Fan. He said, “Unrelated personnel, please leave. My team and I need to carry out a data test on the patient. Bring a bowl of porridge over to see if the patient reacts.”

Although he didn’t say any specific name, he was clearly referring to Lin Fan when he said ‘unrelated personnel’. However, Lin Fan didn’t argue. He stood up and said with a smile, “The patient’s body is already extremely weak and her stomach is very vulnerable. If she were to eat porridge now, a chain reaction would occur, causing her stomach to contract. This would result in a drastic outcome.”

This was Lin Fan’s opinion.

Specialist Chang frowned and said, “Director Zhang, please clear the area. My team and I need to conduct the tests. Director Zhang nodded. He had no authority before the specialist. Then, he said, “Madam Wang, Master Lin, let’s leave the specialists to do their jobs.

Lin Fan didn’t mind. Specialist, eh? Let’s see what the specialist can do, then.

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