Everyone thought Lin Fan was definitely crazy, if not, why would he be talking to a dog. The worst part was, they looked like they were having a proper conversation, each of them taking turns to talk. When Lin Fan spoke, they understood everything but when Elder Dog Nicholas spoke, they had no idea what he was saying. They could only hear the dog’s ‘woof woof’ and each call didn’t really sound different from the others.

One of the townsfolk said, “Master Lin, are you okay?”

They all felt as if Lin Fan was just talking to himself. Lin Fan told them to keep quiet and he turned back to look at Elder Dog Nicholas.

“Can you find her?”

*Woof woof*

What Elder Dog Nicholas said was, “Of course I can. My nose can sniff out anything.”

Lin Fan’s heart started to tremble. He wondered how had he not thought of this in the first place. He said to Elder Dog Nicholas, “If I gave you something to smell, would you be able to find out where the owner is?”

Elder Dog Nicholas replied, “Yes, I can.”

Lin Fan smiled and said, “Then can you help us with our search?”

Elder Dog Nicholas laid down on the floor and said, “Why do we have to find her?”

Lin Fan replied, “She’s been taken by child traffickers and she’s in danger.”


Elder Dog Nicholas blinked his black little dog eyes and replied, “What are child traffickers? Why are they dangerous?”

Lin Fan felt that even though he could communicate with Elder Dog Nicholas, in the end, he was still a dog and would have limited knowledge of this kind of human things. Thus, Lin Fan knew that he would have to think of more creative tactics.

Lin Fan said, “As long as you find her, there will be scallion pancakes for you to eat everyday. Also, you can eat as many of them as you want.”

Elder Dog Nicholas, who initially had no interest in helping at all, suddenly stood up and was hopping around on his four tiny legs.

*Woof woof woof*

The surrounding residents all had no idea what the dog was saying but at that moment they could all sense the happiness of the dog.

All the people who were listening to the live broadcast were all completely dumbstruck.

“Sh*t, don’t tell me that Master Lin can really understand the dog’s language.”

“Look at them carefully, it seems like they’re having a conversation. For every sentence Lin Fan speaks, the Elder Dog replies with 2 barks. Especially when Lin Fan mentioned the scallion pancakes, the Elder Dog suddenly became very happy. This shows that Elder Dog understands him.”

“I know that dogs can understand humans’ feelings, however, dogs simply can’t understand human words. Those dogs on the television that are better at understanding have been taught for a very long time and it’s only a few basic commands. If they were to hear it from a different person, they wouldn’t understand anything at all. Their owners spent a long time trying to teach them and whenever they give an order to their dog, they themselves would do the action to try to teach the dog. However, right here, Master Lin is just conversing with a dog directly.”

“It can’t be. Is he that amazing?”

“That is basically what I’ve seen on the news. There has never been a person capable of conversing with a dog and it seems like Master Lin is also able to understand what the dog is saying. This is truly amazing.”

“666… although I don’t know about the backstory behind this, it definitely has a very weird feel to it.”

At this moment, Lin Fan got up and started walking towards Sister Hong.

Inside the shop, Sister Hong sat there, her eyes completely void of any emotions. Next to her was a man keeping her company. The expression on the man’s face was also one of pain but he kept on comforting Sister Hong as he knew that she was already in a great deal of pain and he couldn’t give her anymore pressure.

The man saw Master Lin enter the shop and he nodded at him. He knew how much effort Master Lin had put into helping his family find their little girl and regardless of the outcome, he was still extremely grateful for his help.

Lin Fan opened his mouth and said, “Sister Hong, do you have any of your little girl’s clothing or something that she frequently uses?”

Sister Hong looked up and with a very weak voice replied, “Master Lin…”

Lin Fan replied with more urgency this time, “Sister Hong, if you want to get your little girl back, you’ll get back to your senses and quickly give me the item.”

The policeman on site asked Lin Fan with a hint of doubt, “Master Lin, what do you need her clothes for?”

The surrounding townsfolk immediately replied, “Master Lin wants to use the dog to find the little girl. Hurry up and give the item to Master Lin. He will definitely have a solution.”

The policeman heard this and he was stunned. He felt that the idea was outrageous. He knew how powerful a dog’s sense of smell was but that would only work after a long period of training. Also, the child trafficker would definitely take the little girl to a place far away. Even a well-trained dog would not be able to find her.

Sister Hong was already stuck in a state of complete shock and she had no reaction at all. However, her husband immediately went to the sales counter and started searching for an item. Eventually, he found a small yellow hat.

“Master Lin, is this alright? This is the hat that my little girl wears every time she goes to school.”

Lin Fan took the hat and immediately left the shop. The surrounding residents all followed him. Sister Hong’s husband supported her and they, too, followed Lin Fan.

The policeman was still in complete doubt. He felt that this was impossible and completely went against common sense.

Lin Fan brought the hat to Elder Dog Nicholas who was sitting outside the shop. He placed the hat in front of the Elder Dog’s nose and said, “Elder Dog, please give it a sniff and help us find her.”

The policeman saw Lin Fan taking to a small white mutt and was completely dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe this was the dog he had in mind to help them. He thought Lin Fan was joking.

*Woof woof!*

Elder Dog Nicholas shouted, “I want to eat some scallion pancakes.”

Lin Fan, with no hesitation at all, went to his shop and started to make the scallion pancakes.”

The surrounding residents were all dumbfounded. They were wondering what in the world Lin Fan was doing. Was he not supposed to let the dog find the girl? Why was he suddenly making scallion pancakes again?

Zhang Zhong Yan took out his phone and was filming Master Lin. The people watching the live broadcast were all stunned.

“What in the world is Master Lin doing? How can he still be in the mood to be making scallion pancakes at a time like this?”

“What do all of you know? Did you guys not see the look on the dog’s face? That’s the expression of a very hungry dog.”

“D*mn it, this Elder Dog is useless. He doesn’t do anything at all.”

“666…The Elder Dog is really an Elder Dog after all. If he doesn’t find the girl then he should just be a d*mned dog.”

“I agree.”

“He is just giving the Elder Dog a treat to boost his morale.”

Sister Hong’s husband was starting to get a little angry. He said, “Master Lin, if you don’t have an idea then you didn’t have to lie to me.”

Lin Fan waved him off and said, “Don’t worry.”

Once he finished making a scallion pancake, he immediately passed it to Elder Dog Nicholas.

Elder Dog Nicholas wolfed down the scallion pancake and finished it in no time. Afterward, he took a sniff of the small yellow hat, lifted up his head and started sniffing the air. Following that, Elder Dog Nicholas turned around and started barking at his surroundings.

*Woof woof*

After witnessing this, Lin Fan had no idea what the Elder Dog was trying to do. All of a sudden, there was the sound of barking from the surrounding streets. A few domesticated dogs from the various surrounding shops came running out. There were even a few stray dogs that came running out from the streets.



Tens of them!

Elder Dog Nicholas’ bark may not have been very loud but these dogs, with their sharp sense of hearing, had already heard the Elder Dog’s call to assemble.

The residents saw all these dogs and were stunned.

“Where did these dogs come from? And why are there so many of them?”

In the broadcast room.

“Cool… this Elder Dog has called in backup.”

“D*mn, there are so many of them. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“F*ck, if I didn’t know that this was a live broadcast I would have thought that I was watching a movie.”

*Woof woof!*

*Woof woof!*

The tens of dogs were all standing next to Elder Dog Nicholas and all of them were of different breeds.

Upon hearing the call of all these dogs, Lin Fan let out a very weird expression. He was thinking that this Elder Dog was really very mighty. Having only been at Cloud Street for a short period of time, he had already become the big boss of so many dogs.

“Elder Dog Nicholas, I’m here,” said one of the dogs.

“Elder Dog, I found a bone, let’s go eat it together,” another dog said.

Although Elder Dog Nicholas was small in stature, all the dogs were all looking up at him with their tails raised and barking towards him.

The Elder Dog said, “My owner needs to find the source of this smell. If you guys help me find it, there will be the promised scallion pancakes.”

The groups of dogs all barked in unison and then frantically started smelling the small yellow hat.

Lin Fan said, “As long as you guys find the owner of this small yellow cap and come back to me, I’ll prepare a feast for you guys.”

Elder Dog Nicholas said, “Move out…”

*Woof woof*

To all the residents of the other streets who had no idea what was going on, seeing all these dogs frantically and aggressively roaming around was extremely scary.

At this moment, the shocking scene that was unfolding in front of their eyes left all the people stunned.

One of the townsfolk said, “Am I dreaming?”

The policeman exclaimed, “How can this be possible?”

The live broadcast room exploded with activity. None of them had seen anything like this before.

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