Lin Fan’s scallion pancakes were the most delicious food. It was not only the townsfolk enjoyed eating them but even Fraud Tian and the rest loved it so much that they couldn’t resist it.

As of that day, the scallion pancakes had gained two more lovers in Elder Dog Nicholas and Zhang Zhong Yang. They would have to live in the scallion pancakes’ grasp from then on.

After finishing up the scallion pancake work, Lin Fan just lay there resting, while Zhao Zhong Yang continued broadcasting, raving non-stop to his internet buddies about how f*cking awesome the scallion pancakes were.

“You guys don’t know just how delicious that scallion pancake was. If you don’t try it personally at least once, it will be a great loss in your life.

In the broadcast room.

“666…Brother Yang is starting his usual routine again.”

“If Brother Yang says so, I want to go have a good taste too.”

“Hey, where did Elder Dog Nicholas go? I want to see Elder Dog Nicholas.”

Zhao Zhong Yang looked around, but couldn’t find the little white dog, “I don’t know where Elder Dog Nicholas went. For now, there’s no sign of him.”

At that moment, the sound of someone yelling in anger could be heard from outside.

“Whose mutt is this? Why is it in my shop and trying to copulate my Flowers?”


Lin Fan raised his head and looked outside. Elder Dog Nicholas was sprinting on all fours, with a chubby lady following behind him. He knew this lady. She was the boss of the shop opposite his and she had a fiery temper but she was courteous towards Lin Fan.

The lady boss walked into the shop, then her rage-filled expression suddenly changed. With a face full of smile, she said, “Oh, so it’s Master Lin’s dog.”

Lin Fan watched as Elder Dog Nicholas ran to Wu You Lan’s side and lay down as if in shock. Lin Fan asked, “What’s going on?”

The lady boss waved her hand, “It’s nothing, just a small matter. Your dog just found my Flowers.”

The Flowers that the lady boss was talking about was a poodle. It stood by the lady boss’ side, looking into the shop. It seemed that it was looking at Elder Dog Nicholas.

At that moment, the lady boss didn’t know what to say. Master Lin was Cloud Street’s superstar. Cloud Street was only able to have such a large flow of customers thanks to Master Lin and thus, they all loved him a lot.

Lin Fan glanced at Elder Dog Nicholas, then said apologetically, “I’m sorry, when I have the opportunity, I’ll bring him for castration, so he won’t harm other dogs.”

The lady boss waved her hand immediately, “It’s not that serious. Castration isn’t good for the dog. I thought that it was a stray dog at first. I didn’t think that it was Master Lin’s. There’s no issue now.”

When Elder Dog Nicholas, who was sitting next to Wu You Lan’s feet head the word ‘castration’, his eyes widened in fear. He made a few whimpering sounds to express his fear.

After sending the lady boss off, Lin Fan took a look at Elder Dog Nicholas. “To be so lustful right after being fed. It must be discontent with its life,” he thought.

The broadcast room was filled with laughter.

“666, Elder Dog is an awesome dog. After being in a new environment for less than two hours, he’s already thinking of passing on his genes and seizing his territory. He has my respect.”

“Give Elder Nicholas a close-up shot!”

“This mating attempt has failed. He even got chased all the way here by the counterpart’s owner.”

“Poor thing. I only hope that Elder Dog isn’t heartbroken.”

“Elder dog is a bad*ss. When he likes her, he likes her and he doesn’t care what dog she is. Once she’s been targeted by Elder Dog, she can only allow herself to get f*cked obediently.”

Once the lady boss left, Elder Dog Nicholas reverted to his previous behavior. He strode around with his four legs and went outside for a stroll again. Lin Fan took a glance but didn’t bother about him. Dogs have their own lives too. He should be allowed to have his own fun.

Elder Dog Nicholas came to the front of the lady boss’ shop, then gazed at Flowers, who was playing with a little girl, with a glint in his eyes as he made several low pitched noises.

If Lin Fan was there and heard him making those sounds, he would castrate him immediately.

“I, Elder Dog Nicholas, have taken a fancy for you. You can’t escape the grasp of Elder Dog’s paws.”

When the poodle saw Elder Dog Nicholas outside the shop, she instantly whimpered in fear and went to her owner.

Meanwhile, at the shop, two guests entered that made Lin Fan surprised.

The Martial Arts Association’s Jiang Fei and the ‘entrance security’, Elder Niu.

Lin Fan asked in a surprised tone, “Elder Jiang, why are you here?”

Jiang Fei laughed, “Master Lin, this is Elder Niu.”

Lin Fan nodded, “I know.”

Jiang Fei then said awkwardly, “Elder Niu is the president of the association. Previously, you wanted me to help you to carry out your resignation. I’ve been dragging out the matter all along.”

Lin Fan knew that Jiang Fei wouldn’t carry out the procedures for him, but he no longer had any relations with the association. He had nothing else to do in the association. Vice-President Guo and Wang Yun Jie had both been suspended and were still undergoing investigation, so he felt that he had done what he needed to do. When that Elder Niu came to the association, he acted as a security guard. Now that Lin Fan thought about it, it was probably to do some undercover investigation of the affairs within the association.

Now that the issue had been resolved, there should have been no need for Lin Fan anymore. But seeing how President Niu himself came, Lin Fan was confused.

With a peaceful expression, Elder Niu started to talk, “Master Lin, I would like to thank you on behalf of the association for what you have done for us during this period. I am sincerely grateful. Little Jiang told me about your intentions to leave the association, hence I am here today to humbly ask Master Lin to stay. Don’t leave the association. We need honest people like you.”

Lin Fan courteously brought over some chairs, “President Niu, please sit.”

Elder Niu laughed, “I’d prefer if Master Lin called me Elder Niu. It’s more amiable.”

Lin Fan laughed, “Elder Niu, I have nothing left to do in the association. As you can see, I have my own business as well as employees who count on me for a living. How could I still have time for the association?”

Lin Fan really didn’t want to spend any more time with the association. There were too many problems and one wrong move could get himself in deep sh*t. There was no need to endure it any further. The sooner he left, the sooner he could be at ease.

Of course, Elder Niu couldn’t just let Lin Fan go. But at the same time, he understood Lin Fan’s concerns. He said, “Master Lin, do not worry. An extraordinary man like yourself will be treated accordingly. I only ask that you stay in the association. You don’t have to come at all. We just hope that you can lend us your reputation to use in our favor. If people found out that even someone as capable Master Lin left us, the association would be mocked and ridiculed by everyone.”

Lin Fan waved his hand, “Elder Niu, please understand. I really do not want to stay. There’s a limit to my energy. I’m not able to do so many things. I appreciate your good intentions and I have absolutely nothing against the association. With a senior member like Elder Niu managing it, I’m sure that outsiders will change its views about the association.

Jiang Fei stood at the side silently. He had faith in President Niu that he would move Master Lin with his sincerity. The association really lacked people like Master Lin.

Elder Niu grabbed Lin Fan’s hand and said in an earnest tone, “Master Lin, I know that those black sheep, Guo Chen and Wang Yun Jie, left you bitterly disappointed, but please do not worry. From now on, there definitely will not be another incident like that. In fact, now that the association’s Vice-President appointment is vacant, the first person I thought of was you, Master Lin. The headquarters approached me for recommendations and I couldn’t think of anyone else. I regard you, Master Lin, as the most suitable candidate.”

Lin Fan thought that this Elder Niu really knew how to compliment him. He left Lin Fan with no choice

Lin Fan sighed, “Elder Niu, now that you’ve said this much, what can I say? I know that I am not deserving of this appointment, but you’ve shown so much faith in me. It wouldn’t be right for me to reject you. Alright, I’ll take up the appointment then. If I have the time, I’ll be sure to drop by and take a look.”

Elder Niu laughed…

Jiang Fei laughed…

Lin Fan laughed as well…

The title of Vice-President…it would be a waste not to accept it. There’s no need to go to the association either way. At least it sounds impressive when I say it.=

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