He got up, to fast for Esmae to react, and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against him hard.

"Don't ever do that again!" Derek warned.

"what?" Esmae asked

" Go off with some guy instead of me, I mean it when I say your mine, and only mine."

" And I mean it when I say I'm mad at you." Esmae replied

" Baby, please, don't be mad at me."

" you have to promise me no more secrets!" Esmae said

"I promise baby." Derek said as he kissed the top of Esmaes head.

" Fine." Esmae wrapped her arms around him as well.

Derek brought her lips up to his, and claimed her mouth with his own. His tongue encouraging hers to come and play. When he parted they were breathless.


" I'm tired." Esmae stated.

" can you strip for me first, I want to know I can have you when ever I desire." Derek asked.

Esmae obeyed removing her shirt and her paints following. Standing there in nothing but her bra and painties she could see Derek's erection through his pants.

" Bra and painties too!" He demanded.

Esmae obeyed once again then climbed into bed with Derek.

He wrapped his arms around her pinching her nipple with one hand well the other slid lower down until it brushed up against her sex.

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