In this sunny day of June, I'm recalling my memories. I looked up at sun, closed my eyes, took a long breath and felt the air and then opened my eyes. Yes, I remember it very well. The smell of air and the piercing heat of sun is exactly the same as it was before. Nothing's changed except our faces and the faces of modern infrastructures. The sun, the moon, the stars and the air, all seems so fresh and brings back my older memories. The moment after I closed my eyes and took a long breath, I felt as if I was back to my teenage life again. I saw the moment my mom cooked food for Eric, me and the rest of the boys. I remembered the moment I was so shy and nervous around girls at school. And most importantly, I recall the moment I saw 'her' walk through me for the first time on the entrance day. That day I realized that life is not so simple when we see many other opportunities in front of us. That was the only opportunity to test my heart's strength and resilience. From that day onward, the simple life of a teenage boy began to experience complications and some bad nightmares.

It has been so many years since so many ups and downs occurred in my life. If I had written a book of it, then it would have been a very long story. However, will there be a bad ending or a good one? That would be the main question. When I think back at the time when there was no hope of winning this love game and when I thought it was an end, something very interesting happened. I was always fond of watching dramas and movies and always thought that my life is also running like a part of a very long movie. It is as dramatic as the movies that I've watched. But before going on to what actually happened in this little game of love, I would like to share some moments of my life. After I went back to my hometown after finishing my master's degree, it was a very different place from before. The house and the neighboring towns where I used to collect my friends and hang out was totally changed. My house was moved to a higher place which is now an apartment. I didn't see the view of the shady grass fields nor the buzzing sound of insects. I was sad at how fast the time flew. Except few, I didn't see any boys from my grades nor any girls. Some of my friends had already married while some even migrated to other places and some were on their long journey to making their carrier. Then I realized that I was getting old and have grown up now. Everyone's faces were changed and I couldn't recognize them neither they could recognize me at first. I hadn't been in home for like more than five years. I wanted to meet each and every one of my friends but I just found a few. I heard that Aaron graduated from the music college and now plays at some music festivals and events. My another friend Nathan has a baby boy of six years old now and lives in Atlanta. And I heard that one or two girls from my class were still working at a fashion gallery in Paris. And then, I didn't know about any other classmates except another two. I think many of my friends might still remember the time we spent together during our childhood.

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