
The day passed on well and I'm here in my lonely evening on a journey to the starry world. Keeping homeworks and stuffs aside, what I will be doing now is just take a walk outside. When the air is so fresh, when the city lights are so bright and there's a darkness within those bright lights, the town gets alive. Live Music, street foods and the people, it's feels like there's a whole new world outside. As the sun sets down and the lights light on, a whole new world is born. Just wandering off is enough to feel the lovely evening. Lovers love each other, travelers travel and wanderers like me wander from place to place. Scotland is famous for pubs and bars so many people gather there, get drunk and laugh. With an ever-expanding choices of whiskies and some finest cocktails, they spend their nights out. I could hear the laughter along with the live music. And for those who have no interest in visiting pubs, they gather outside and enjoy themselves with the street performers. Street performance is actually a better place for me because I'm still too young to visit pubs. After taking some few more turns, I will reach even more dark, discreet and warm place. It's an old part of town. As I reach there, there will be old wooden houses and I could see some lights coming out of the window. Ladders, street lamps and a few trees in every turns and steps. And every time I come here I always notice something unique like there's still some mystery in the dark. I mean, not the spirits, but like new shops or new path ways.

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