A heartbeat is all that matters. Our life is running with just a beat. If the beat goes down then our life goes down too. Every sort of feelings are stored in these small beats. I sometimes think myself, "Where does these feelings and emotions generate in our body?" Then I put my hands in my chest and feel each emotions beat so perfectly in those tiny beats. Whether it is love or hate or jealousy or anger, every things are stored in those beats. And the first thing that pops up in my mind is that I fear one day that those beats would be gone forever. We have a limited amount of time to live our life. Every single heartbeat is like a ticking bomb that may go off anytime soon. One day we all have to leave this world behind. Nobody knows where we go after our death. Some say that our souls would be reincarnated and some say that we go either heaven or hell. Well, the fact is nobody has seen it. So, knowing the fact that these beats won't remain longer, I cheer up and want to live my life to the fullest. And, the second thing I feel in those beats is YOU. Jenny is my life and I don't see any other things except her. The skies, the rivers and even the whole world seems lonely without her. But I get the feeling that I will see her soon. I have waited all these years and decided not to give up. Someday I'm gonna express each and every single feelings I have on her and then she will definitely listen to my heart beats that screams out her name so loud. I have made a terrible mistake before by letting her go. My love towards her never grew so strong before she left me. And since I have realized it, I'm not going to repeat those same mistakes again. Now, I realize that my life without her is nothing.

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