The college days were running smooth. Every day, every night, every hour and in every breath I remembered her. It was like I had kissed a curse. The eternal curse of falling in love with a girl at such a young age and not being able to do anything than grieving in pain while she walks away. Looks like God is taking some sort of test on me. But I swear to God that, one day I will surely get her no matter how difficult the situation is. And even now, I won't give up on her even if the sky comes falling down. Wow! That was harsh. I think the dialogue better suits in a romantic movie.

Other than Jenny lots of things have changed now. My face is no longer soft and hair-free. Now it's covered with beards and moustache. When I look at myself in the mirror, I ask myself "Is it really me?" And I can't even imagine how tall I've grown. The better way of describing myself would be "I'm a six feet tall, nearly grown up, trouble rich guy, doing my bachelors at a local university, and who is madly in love with a girl whom he can never get in this lifetime but instead remembers her each day and gets depressed." It kind of sounds lame but it's the truth. And next thing is that I'm not even in my own house. My parents thought that I was being lazy and not doing well in my studies so they kept me in my uncle's house. Now this uncle that I mentioned is a type of person who thinks study is the best way. His life policy is "A book a day keeps the problems away. Read, write and learn and forget every other thing" He is a professor at one of the most reputed college called Stanley International College. He is a true genius. So every time I see him I have to act as if I'm doing something productive. And if I don't do that then I have to bear the consequences. A half hour lecture about what life is and what we are. The moment he sees me slacking off or just taking a nap, he starts to give his life suggestions. But I'm exactly opposite. I'm a person who loves to sleep than any other thing in this world. So this incompatible feature between us leads to "An hour of lecture by my dearest uncle Henry" each day. And I've started to read some books of Wattpad as well.

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