All of my dreams and small fantasies shattered into small pieces and I was broke. I couldn't even manage to get near her even if she was right in front of my eyes. The only thing that I was fully satisfied with was that I was able to see her every day which was actually not enough to get close to her. I might even say that I was a total stalker and an utterly poor shy guy. Each and every day I thought of speaking with her but I failed. Funny thing was that I even rehearsed perfectly at my home to talk about the things that might interest her but I failed in that one as well. It's been like three months since I first saw her but I haven't spoken with her for even a single time. I felt as if I was running behind her while she was flying far from me. She was a school captain and I was a common student. She was perfect in terms of study and sports while I was average in terms of study and poor in terms of sports. So, I asked myself, "Why is a looser like me even thinking of getting close to a girl who is totally out of my league?" But all of the fault was mine. I was the one who used to act like a statue as soon as she used to pass nearby me. My face used to turn red and I would run away from her in an instant. I was afraid of her though she was neither a ghost nor a lion that would eat me. I said to myself that maybe this is the end of my young and unfinished teenage love.

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