“No and no,” Aliziana replied as she went through the messages. She walked to her office passing Claire, “ some fricking idiot just cost me the whole morning - now I have to go home, shower again and be back before one o’clock...I haven’t done any work yet today and I’m ready to go back to bed!”

A Pryce Worth Paying - 9

“Yeah, with who?” Claire laughed, “oh did you see that gorgeous delivery guy that just left?” she winked, ”now that’s a hotty that I could teach some tricks to,” she laughed hard and clapped her hands as though she were applauding herself.

“Not getting any lately?” Aliziana looked over to Claire with a smirk, “you know, he was half your age so stop fantasizing,” she teased her assistant.

“So what if he’s young - I bet you he’d go for me. You don’t think he would?” Claire asked in a huff, with her Boston accent more pronounced as she spoke quickly. And as her boss walked off shaking her head, Claire continued insisting, “he would go for me - I bet he would!”

What a character, Aliziana laughed to herself. Hyper, animated, full of life and so horny. Nothing that came out of Claire’s mouth surprised her anymore because Claire prided herself in being an open book, tactfully honest and they had known each other for so long that it felt like she was family.

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