Though I was scared of entering their house because their dad looked so big and her mother's voice was so sharp, they would pull me and take me inside. At night, I would call them from outside and they would come out quietly from their windows. Then we would walk on the road as if we were kings and queens. The three of us ruled the street at night. The night was dark and the only light we see was the moon. We would lie down on the road and see uncountable stars above. We would also see falling stars someday and then wished silly things like flying off with the rockets and reach those stars and live there forever shining. After we were done with the wishing part, we would go to nearby forests and see fireflies lit up the whole place. It felt as if the stars from up the heavens descended down there. We would also catch some fireflies and keep it in our pockets and see it shining. In the meantime, Rina would always act like a ghost and try to scare us from behind. At first, we were scared as hell but the same trick didn't work twice. We caught her. Then we told her many haunted stories and how the kids like us gets eaten by a monster from the jungle if they wandered alone. After saying so, she would sit closer to us and pretend that she wasn't scared which in fact she was. Then just a light sound of birds or insects would be enough to scare her and bring goose bumps in her body. We knew that her heart was very weak and that she was the most scared among us. When we watched horror films, she would hide behind the blankets and cover her eyes and ears. We laughed at how she reacted. These were the times before winter. After winter began, it would be too cold outside and so we didn't go anywhere. We would just sit close to fire and listen to our parents chat with each other. They would mostly talk about politics so we didn't pay them attention. Sometimes Rylee's father would talk with us and give us life lessons. He would tell us to enjoy all our time because life is short and we never know when we get old. He would say, "This is the time of your life. Don't let it slip away son. Go and have fun when you are free now because your wild heart will live for younger days after you grow up."I guess it made some sense and that he was right. Then we looked at each other's face and smile. Rylee would make a poker face or stick out her tongue and tease me. Then drift her eyes somewhere. Rina would suddenly show her crazy flexes and act funny. I controlled my laughter and slowly smiled. It would be rude if I laughed in front of their father right after he gave me such valuable life tips. Sometimes, our parents would make a barbecue outside or even call for dinner. Our parents were good neighbours so they would always invite each other in different occasions. Even for the Christmas they have planned well to celebrate together. Yesterday, I heard that they are bringing a huge Christmas tree together for the Christmas. I'm pretty excited to celebrate Halloween, Christmas and New Year with them. If the girls are together with me, then there is no way I will be bored. I never imagined that I would get such wonderful and happy neighbours ever again in my life. It's just so exciting when the three of us gather together. I wish the time would always go like this and we would never grow old.

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