Present day,

After reading these two pages, mother smiled. But the smile was weak. I asked her, "Do you remember this moment mom?" And after a pause, she said, "Yes now I remember it clear. It was when your dad was looking at me from his house and I caught his eye. Actually I thought that he was stalking at me and suddenly rushed into my room. But after getting inside my room, I just thought that he was curious to know his new neighbour. I was young and stupid. I didn't know that he was just trying to be my friend."

After a moment, I flipped some pages and started to read again.

8th April

It's still summer and my school days are still boring. I just gave a terminal examination so I just want some rest. The exam went well except for one subject i.e. Mathematics. I get pissed off every time I see this book. I hate maths and I'm not even good at it. Next is, I talked with my neighbour. The girl's name is Rylee Bennett, a middle-school girl who will be joining my school. I talked to her for about five minutes before she was suddenly haunted by her mother's voice. They moved here because of their dad. Her father is a senior army officer and due to some reasons he had to transfer here. When I observed her closely, she was not less than a fallen angel. I was astonished by her beauty. Her eyes were shiny black and round. Her hair was longer and smelled of shampoo. She had a fleshy cheek and a tiny nose that seemed so soft from its looks. And next were her plain lips that would suddenly get beaky as soon as she began to speak. But even that seemed beautiful as it matched her facial expression. Her face was totally amusing but in a cute manner. Though her face seems cute, her voice is something that a cruel lady would talk like. Her voice was sharp and cold. I complimented so much about her face but she denied it so sharply. She would give opposite answer to every question I would ask. But I liked her even more albeit she spoke in a mean way maybe because she was raised in an army's family. She was smart from the looks of how she was speaking with me. But she didn't hesitate to answer my questions. During that short conversation we somehow got close. I wanted to know her even more but she left as soon as her mother called her. So this is it for today. I made a new friend, Rylee Bennett, an amusing and cute girl.

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