Julia’s mother-in-law, Lady MacNeill, was seated on a matching blue chair, and a small curio table was situated between the two women. She barely allowed Elaine to join them before she took charge, though Elaine thought it was Julia’s place to do so as the clan chief’s mate. His mother’s red-gold curls streaked with gray were piled on top of her head in an elegant coif. Her green eyes were sharp and observant, and she wore a lacy green dress as if she was attending a formal tea. All she needed to finish the look were a hat and pair of gloves.

“What happened to you and Cearnach?” his mother asked, her voice sharp and accusatory, as if everything that had happened was Elaine’s fault before she’d heard any of the story.

His Aunt Agnes studied Elaine, her expression more guarded, as she waited to hear the full story before she condemned her. At least that’s what Elaine thought.

“I’m Elaine Hawthorn and I met Cearnach when he nearly ran me off the road earlier today. He ended up with two flat tires near the edge of a cliff instead.”

Cearnach’s mother’s mouth gaped, then she snapped it shut and narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure the fault was not your own?”

“In a hurry to reach the church on time, he was speeding. He was an accident waiting to happen.” Elaine frowned back at the woman. She wasn’t about to allow his mother to turn this around and make her out to be the bad guy.

Julia and Shelley smiled at Elaine, and she got the impression they were on her side.

Cearnach’s mother gave a ladylike snort. “How did you hurt yourself? Was it from the near-accident with my son?”

Ah, the bruise on her face. She didn’t think the woman would appreciate that she’d stepped in front of her son to protect him from Vardon McKinley. She-wolves didn’t have to defend an armed alpha male wolf, after all.

“Well, speak up, young lady,” the woman snapped.

Elaine wondered how the other women could put up with her. She straightened her back. “Vardon McKinley did it.”


Everyone stared at her with wide eyes. The mother’s brows drew together. “Because you were with Cearnach at the church?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. But not on purpose. I tried to stop the fight headed his way.”

Julia and Shelley grinned. Aunt Agnes’s eyes widened. His mother just stared at her.

Okay, which way was this going to go? His mother would hate her for trying to protect her son, or love her or… well, something in between.

The mother tapped her finger on the arm of the chair. “What will Cearnach say about this?”

She didn’t believe Elaine? What did she think? That another version of the story existed?

“He will probably say he was pissed off that I moved in front of him to…”

“Protect him?” Aunt Agnes asked, speculation in her gray eyes. “Do you always rescue alpha males from others who are ready to rip their throats out, or was today somehow special?”

Oh… my… God. Elaine was being attacked by two female wolves at once? She thought the mother had exclusive rights to the exercise.

“Okay, listen,” Elaine said, her hackles raised. She could fight the most capable of she-wolves any day, and she wasn’t about to be intimidated by these two old women. “Cearnach nearly hit me head-on. He was speeding, and if he hadn’t been going so fast, we could have easily maneuvered around each other. As it was, we didn’t. Then, he forced me to take him to the church. But wait, he wouldn’t let me drive my own car because he didn’t think I could get us there in one piece.”

His mother smiled a little at that.

Elaine paused, waiting for his mother to object or contradict or something, but all eyes were upon Elaine and everyone kept quiet, waiting to hear the whole story.

“Okay, so we get to the church and go inside. I’m not about to be told where I’m to sit. I wasn’t a guest and I was annoyed with Cearnach so I sat on the groom’s side since he was sitting on the bride’s side.”

A gasp from the aunt made Elaine stop. When nobody said anything, Elaine continued. “The Kilpatrick brothers boxed me in, but I didn’t know they were my distant cousins.”

“Distant cousins?” His mother managed to sound shocked and angry at the same time.

Uh-oh. She’d thought his mother had already received the bad news.

“Yes. But I didn’t know it at the time. Cearnach made me move to the bride’s side.”

Aunt Agnes said, “Did Cearnach know you were related to that family?”

“No.” Elaine waited for her to ask something else, but the woman just nodded.

“Then two of Baird’s brothers decided to show us out of the church. Only one, Vardon, was really angry. I figured it would come to blows. I wanted to stop it because I didn’t want Cearnach and Vardon fighting in the church, upsetting Calla’s wedding. She seemed like a lovely girl. I tried to get between Cearnach and Vardon to diffuse the situation, but Vardon threw a punch and hit me.”

When no one said a word, Elaine shrugged like it was no big deal.

Julia sat down as if she couldn’t take any more. Shelley looked worried, her brow deeply furrowed.

“Well, what else?” his mother asked.

“We left. We discovered Cearnach’s minivan was destroyed.”

His mother growled.

“They stole…”

“They?” Aunt Agnes asked.

“The Kilpatricks and McKinleys,” Elaine clarified. “They stole my car and our clothes. We had to run as wolves to get here.”

No one said anything. Then, her face tight with anger, Cearnach’s mother rose from her chair. “You caused all kinds of trouble here today. That won’t be the end of it.”

Chapter 10

Elaine gave an abrupt laugh of disbelief when she heard Cearnach’s mother’s condemnation. Somehow she knew Cearnach’s accident, the church incident, the destroying of Cearnach’s minivan, and the stealing of her rental car would become her fault.

“Of course. I flew all the way to Scotland just to meet up with Cearnach on that road and cause all of these problems for your clan.”

His mother actually offered a small sour smile—of amusement or conjecture, Elaine wasn’t sure.

“I’ll get some ice for your cheek.” Shelley gave her a meaningful smile, saying she was supportive of Elaine’s cause, and squeezed her hand with reassurance on the way out.

Julia’s brow furrowed. “I’m surprised Cearnach didn’t kill Vardon for striking you. Cearnach’s the nicest man you’d ever want to meet, usually as cheerful as can be, but he’d risk his life for others to keep them safe from harm.”

“He did unsheathe his sword.” Elaine didn’t want anyone to think he hadn’t made the effort. “But I told him not to fight.”

His mother’s brows arched. “A she-wolf told my son not to fight?”

“Vardon didn’t unsheathe his sword so Cearnach couldn’t fight an unarmed man. I’m sure Cearnach was also afraid I might get injured if he fought Vardon.” Elaine didn’t mention that she thought Cearnach had been ready to kill Vardon over what he’d done and had needed all of his willpower to let it go and escort her outside.

“You were already hurt.” Julia’s voice was hard and unyielding. “Cearnach will not let this insult go if he sees Vardon again.” She took a deep breath and changed the subject. “So what is your business here? Are you staying somewhere already?”

“I had plans to stay at Flora’s Bed and Breakfast.”

Everyone exchanged glances. Round two in the battle with Cearnach’s mother. Elaine could understand his mother wanting to know everything about a prospective daughter-in-law. But she and Cearnach weren’t considering such a thing, not that she didn’t fantasize about it. Who wouldn’t when the wolf wore a kilt slung low on his hips, his chest bare, and the smile in his eyes and on his lips made her whole body heat with desire? Not to mention the kiss that had steamed up the car’s windows and made her temporarily lose her mind.

She wanted to tell the woman the truth—not about the fantasy part, though—but Elaine held her tongue, not wanting to even go there.

“Kilpatrick’s mother, Flora Kilpatrick, runs it. They’re first cousins to the McKinleys, one of the ones whose wedding you attended today,” Cearnach’s mother said hotly. “I thought you said you didn’t know them.”

“I hadn’t met them before today,” Elaine said, defending herself. “Only after we left the church and I said I was to meet with my distant cousin Robert Kilpatrick did Cearnach tell me who I’d been sitting next to.”

Julia let out her breath. “I bet the McKinleys insisting that Cearnach leave went over really peachy with him.”

“He appeared resigned to let Calla live her life the way she saw fit. She seemed perfectly happy. When we returned to where Cearnach’s disabled vehicle was, it was gone. He thought maybe the McKinley brothers had pushed it over the cliffs. When we went to investigate, we found it had been destroyed.”

“You went with him to look for it?” Julia asked curiously.

“Sure. I wasn’t going to stay in the rental car waiting.”

“You went as wolves.” Julia hadn’t asked a question but was more circumspect, as if she was seeing the picture more clearly now.

“Yeah. We could observe more, smell closer to the ground, see if we could sense any sign of the McKinleys. We didn’t find any. Not until we explored the beach, discovered his car, and returned.”

“You found your clothes and rental car gone.”

Elaine nodded, trying to push back the tears that suddenly appeared. She’d thought she was dealing with the situation well. She’d trusted Cearnach to take her someplace safe until she could get her money and ID back, at the very least. She hadn’t expected his kin to be so hostile. She was feeling the ramifications of losing her rental car on top of cutbacks at the college, the long trip here, not getting enough sleep, and then being run off the road, shot at, and nearly drowned… and now Cearnach’s mother was interrogating her.

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