“Did your children ever ask to see us?”

“Before your father‘s illness, the children knew I had a brother.

Afterwards, he told them their uncle was dead. He warned me never to let them know about your family; you and your brothers. He said he came from a large family, and his relations were enough for them.”

Heavy silence pervaded the room. “I guess you‘ve told them now.” Gladys had spoken with her cousins several times in the past year. No wonder they always sounded very strange.

“I had to. I got the shock of my life after his death last year. He left me your mother‘s letters including the one to inform me of your father‘s death.”

“Oh my goodness! You never knew before then?”

“No I didn‘t. I was devastated. I‘d hoped all along that he recovered and you all were having a good life. I broke down and had to travel to the States to recover. I confessed everything to my daughters while I was there. They encouraged me to send a letter to your mother when I came back. I only hoped you still lived at the same address.”

Her head felt weighted in her hands “I‘m so sorry but at the same time, I wish your husband were still alive. I would like to give him a piece of my mind.” Gladys paused and felt her legs tremble. “This is very shocking; one would think these things only happen in books or movies.”

Her aunt laughed without humor. “Let it go Gladys. At first I also thought he got off too lightly. Now I‘ve come to terms with it especially since our families are back together.”

Gladys grimaced, “Apart from the bad twist, this is a classic tale of rich boy, poor girl. It does have some similarity with my situation with Edward, though I hope…”


“But it‘s not the same, so don‘t allow anyone say otherwise. Yes, even the tabloids. You are educated and have a proper job. Your mother is doing well and your brothers have their whole lives ahead of them. You also have me and my family in your corner.”

Gladys began to cry again. “Thanks for saying that, I really appreciate it. It‘s not as if I doubt it but it would be easier to ignore all the rumors if I were sure of Edward‘s love.”

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