“It‘s no bother. I‘ve actually enjoyed lying out here with the sound of the waves and the sun on my face. But yeah, it‘s time to go now.”

She gathered up some their stuff, Edward picked the rest and they walked to the car.

Gladys got in and fastened her seatbelt. “Will you be going to church tomorrow?”

“There are some business books I have to look at before my trip to Port Harcourt. You know I will also be going to Paris soon after I return next week.”

“Yes I know, but church won‘t be more than a couple of hours.” She was happy they shared the same faith but wished he would be more dedicated.

“OK, I‘ll see if I can make it. I‘ll give you a call later.”

She didn‘t pursue it. “I‘ll come by tomorrow to accompany you to the airport.”


Gladys couldn‘t do anything to stop the soft moans that were coming from her. The sound of her cries seemed to make Edward even bolder and he rested his full length alongside hers on the chaise in his sitting room. Arms wrapped about his neck, she kissed him again with an uncontrolled passion. His fingers played tenderly with her now tight nipple as their legs intertwined. Gasping with pleasure, she pushed her hips closer to his and then bit her lip before another groan escaped as Edward bent his head to nuzzle at her breasts.

Her head fell back in utter pleasure and she scratched her nails across his chest, which was exposed by his now unbuttoned shirt. She didn‘t remember undoing the buttons, but she was sure she had done it, considering his hands were still busy ridding her of her outfit. One crept higher up her raised skirt to the zip; while the other pushed the top further off her shoulders to better reach the full, perky breasts. He drew one whole nipple into his mouth, raking it roughly with his teeth. She groaned and her hips bucked at the zap of electricity straight to her core.


She clutched at his broad shoulders as he moved back to her lips. Their tongues meshed, dueling in the warm cavern of their open mouths. His hand left her zip to push her skirt up her thighs and she lifted herself till it was bunched around her waist. Both hands moved once more to her aching breasts, lifting both together as he sought the pouting nipples. Gladys pulled him closer and ran her nails down his back. The deep suckling dragged the moans from her again. His hands moved to her hips and brought her closer to feel his hardness. The ringing phone vibrated under her, they were lying on top of her purse. She pushed his hands away and scrambled up.

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