“I suspect that discussion was just for the sake of argument. I know Edward as the sort of person who likes debating issues. But you have to find out if he truly would stand in your way of doing your own stuff. What about the time to spend together?”

Gladys sighed. “Well our office can be demanding at times. He expects me to cut back on church and my other friends. But what of when like now that he‘s not around? What of if we are no longer dating? I would have to rebuild all those relationships afresh.”

Ola nodded, “That‘s a real concern but can you cut back?”

“I guess I can, but what of his trips? He‘s travelled almost every month since we started dating, sometimes for a few days and up to a month at others. I don‘t see him cutting back.”

“I would say when he‘s here in Lagos he spends most of his time with you, don‘t you think so? All the girls in the office envy you because he‘s so attentive.”

Gladys nodded, that was true.

“So do your part and then persuade him to join you in church.”

“Thanks Ola. I‘ll think about that idea of involving him, I‘ve never tried that.”

“So you guys spend time together, and he gets to see why you are as devoted as you are. Hopefully your bond grows deeper too. Maybe having your own place will help too.”

Gladys let out her breath. “I still have to discuss with my aunt.”


“No worries, the flat is there. Anyway, I think good communication is the best way to sort through issues. It‘s still early days yet for you guys so there‘s enough time to smooth over the rough edges if you‘ll be together for the long haul. You just have to care.”

Gladys cared a lot. But while Edward was the perfect partner now, she sometimes worried about the future. She wouldn‘t tell Ola about the sexual minefield that was opening up between then. She was falling in love with Edward, yet he was equivocal about his feelings and made no comments to suggest a more permanent relationship. Ola brought out color samples from her bag and Gladys allowed herself to be pulled in by her friend‘s excitement.


Gladys was watching television with Aunt Isioma on one of those slow evenings. She‘d been planning this time together for a while now. Her mother wasn‘t keen on the idea of finding her own place, probably worrying that it would give her avoidable privacy with Edward. When Gladys explained how she still didn‘t feel totally comfortable in her aunt‘s house, her mother had then directed her to discuss it with her first. Gladys had chosen today to broach the topic.

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