Edward knew the words she was expecting from him but he couldn‘t bring himself to say them. It was dangerous letting someone else know how much you cared about them. He tried to evade that track. “Baby... you know, for a long time, I‘ve been putting your emotions and moods before mine. I travel and can‘t wait to come back to you. It used to be business took up all my energy but now I call you all the time. I see something you would love and I want to get it for you. Don‘t you think these count for something?”

“Yes they do, but we‘ve been together now for several months. Is that all?”

Edward mulled her words in his mind. Did she just want him to say the words without meaning them? What if he was not sure of exactly what he felt? She knew his past relationships had not been based on love. The only thing he could say now was that it was increasingly difficult to keep his feelings for Gladys in control. Maybe that would have to do for now. He would go ahead and say it and hope for the best.

“I care for you like I‘ve never done before. I swear to you that you‘re the only woman in my life and that‘s a new thing for me. In spite of these issues we have, I want to remain with you. I want us to be together because you make me happy. Can‘t you just accept that?”

The silence stretched and he wondered what she was thinking. Was she going to say that was not enough? She expelled an audible gust of air while his breath stopped.

“I will accept it Edward, for now. Thanks for being honest…”

“Please let‘s meet tomorrow so I can tell you more about my earlier life. I‘ve realized that you won‘t understand me unless I‘m more open to you.”

She seemed to process that and sighed again. “OK, call me later so we can fix the time but I have to go now.” She cut the connection and left him staring at the phone.


Edward reached out and grasped the slim fingers on the table. They were at a secluded table in his favorite bar. It was a small place with booths tucked against the wall and dim lighting. He knew he had to feel comfortable to share what he was about to. “Most people only know I‘m an orphan from Kano and that‘s all. I‘ve not told this to a soul since I found out.”


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