“I hope you‘re enjoying Lagos? Have you started the job?”

“I started last week.” The large umbrella dripped rain down on her shoes as the storm continued raging outside with alternate lightning streaks and loud thunder. It appeared so close through the large windows beside her that she flinched. She wanted to escape to the nearest small space; the restrooms would do. Aunt Isioma looked at her strangely but soon moved away with her friend.

One of the restaurant hostesses on cloakroom duty approached her, and she gladly surrendered the umbrella. After she got the necessary directions, Gladys walked jerkily towards the short flight of steps that led down to the fanned out tables. She tucked the beaded clutch bag into the crook of her elbow as she surveyed the glittering throng of guests with trepidation. As she did so, her gaze lighted on a face that stood above the others and her heart skipped a beat – ‗her‘ guy was here. She continued on her way to the restrooms after almost missing her step.

Thirty minutes after she emerged, Gladys heard the deep voice behind her. She continued listening to the chatter around her, and pretended that she wasn‘t the one being addressed. She knew who it was, because their eyes had met across the room when she came out a few minutes ago. She took a little time to compose herself to face him but when he tapped her on the shoulder; the composure flew out of the window. An electric current ran through her body.

“Yes?” As she turned to face him, her heart leapt and she knew why thoughts of him inundated her mind. She was irresistibly, uncontrollably attracted to him.

“Can I have this dance with you?” He extended a large hand.

“Sure.” Gladys took the hand and they walked to the dance floor. The lyrics of the slow Michael Buble number, “Put your head on my shoulder” echoed every feeling coursing through her. As they moved close to the beat of the music, she could feel he was attracted to her too.

“So do you feel better now?” When their gaze met across the room on her way to the ladies, he had known he must approach her. The anxiety in her eyes had reminded him of why he‘d helped her that first day even though he first felt suspicious. It didn‘t matter what happened later but he couldn‘t keep away anymore. He would have this chance to get to know her.

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