
Gladys sat beside Bonny as he sped to meet Edward. She hadn‘t been surprised when her phone buzzed a few minutes ago with a text from him saying he was finished with the Bestman Group‘s general meeting and would be waiting at Eleko Beach for her. She‘d wondered why he chose to meet there though they‘d been there a few times in the past and. He probably hoped the nice memories it evoked would put her in a better frame of mind to receive his apology.

A couple of weeks ago, she‘d read the apologetic email from him with mixed feelings. He‘d asked for understanding and promised to see her once he was back. She‘d not bothered to reply the mail or use the phone number he included because she‘d been so angry and disillusioned then. It had been a relief that he no longer blamed her for the attempt to take over his company or believed she was out to make money from him. At the same time she‘d wondered if he really loved her as she said. That had been a very painful week for her.

However, she‘d calmed down as time went on. Especially as she saw how the Bestman takeover was playing out in the media. She understood how busy and stressed he must have been and still was. That wouldn‘t have been the best time to talk about them. She‘d decided to wait till he was back. When she received the text yesterday informing her of his return to the country and that he would see her after this afternoon, she knew how it would turn out.

The last two weeks had given her enough time to think about them and their future together. She‘d started dating Edward because she liked the person he was and wanted to be with him. She‘d not thought in terms of forever, but that it was working for them at the time. She‘d fallen in love along the line as his deeper personality was revealed to her. She believed they‘d both grown to become more compatible in the past year. This was the longest relationship for them both and she didn‘t ever want to stop being with him.

If their relationship was to have ended, it would have done so last year after her birthday when he‘d said she was with him for the money. They‘d weathered that problem and though she‘d been shaken in the aftermath, from what he‘d said and done, she had known then that she was in this for the long haul. She was realistic enough, and from talks with her mother and aunt to know their different social standings may come up sometimes. It had not been easy for her and her family and life had taught her a few lessons. You had to pick your battles carefully or you ended up with a chip on the shoulder.

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