“He did not tell me that. I don‘t believe you.” Gladys whispered in denial.

Mrs. Okrika was not finished. “We took pity on him, this street boy doing odd jobs around our factory and brought him into our home. We loved him but he kicked it in our face…”

“Look, Edward told me what happened. How you and your husband framed him up…”

“We framed him up?” Mrs. Okrika shook her head. “You better believe me. Even before I met him, Edward was an angry and wicked child beating up people and stealing when he could. While he lived we us, he still got into trouble, smoking, drinking and fighting. I treated him like my own, but he stole from my husband and violated me. Edward almost raped me…”

“That‘s a lie!” Gladys jumped up shaking her head and covering her ears with her palms, but that couldn‘t stop her from hearing every word the woman hurled at her.

The older woman also got to her feet, her loud voice riding over Gladys words, “Yes he did. When he lived with us, Edward attempted to rape me. He hit me when I wouldn‘t give in.” She pulled up the sleeve to reveal a deep scar high on her left shoulder. “To defend myself, I picked up a knife but he turned it on me. That was when I got this scar...”

Gladys was in shock as the woman went on relentlessly. “It was only the entrance of our gatemen that saved me from death at his hands.”

“Stop lying,” Gladys shouted. “Why are you telling me all this, making up all these stories?” By this time, Mrs. Okrika was standing right in front of her.

“If I am lying, then I wonder why your loving Edward did not tell you the truth. Maybe he told you a few things, but did he tell you that he almost killed me before running away from the house? Did he tell you that he and his gang stole from my husband? Do you not wonder how he set himself up in business so easily?” Mrs. Okrika‘s voice rose insistently. Gladys sank down into her seat and blocked out the woman‘s words. Edward had not mentioned the rape. She would assume Mrs. Okrika was making up stuff till she spoke with him. After all he‘d told her about the theft charge without prompting.

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