“And they did this just for the fun of it?” His back was still turned on her. He didn‘t know what he would do if he were looking on her face. What he didn‘t want to do was break down.

“I won‘t claim to understand criminals and that‘s what these people are.” She touched his arm, “Edward we have to find out...”

“Why would criminals put so much money in your account?” He shrugged her off and pointed to the rest of the papers in her hands. Her explanations were not convincing enough for him. The signature on that mandate card was too obviously not forged.

“Edward believe me, I had nothing to do with this. Nothing!” Gladys felt like knocking some sense into his head. His eyes stared into the middle distance like she was not there. He was possibly reverting to his hurt them before they get me mode, shutting himself off so he wouldn‘t feel any pain in the event that something really happened.

“Well I am a business man and I‘m pushed to believe the evidence before my eyes. The money is right there in your account. I don‘t think any right thinking person will give up close to fifty million naira just like that.” His fists clenched at this thought.

Gladys gasped, this was even worse when spoken out loud. “Edward, we can work together to find those doing this. Doesn‘t our love count for something?” It would be a year next month since they‘d started dating. After their ups and downs and the month away together, one would have thought he knew her as well as anyone could.

“Don‘t speak to me of love tonight, Gladys. Just explain to me how come you‘re entangled with those who want my company.”

Tears of annoyance escaped from her eyes, “That signature looks real, but I promise you I did not make it knowing it would lead to the sale your shares. My account officer must have tricked me. Or it may be someone in your office, there were three people that day, don‘t you remember? It could be one of them…”

“I was there too Gladys, why couldn‘t it have been me? You were also there yourself and the facts point to you…”

“I swear it wasn‘t me Edward. I swear…”


“You don‘t have to swear baby, it‘s early days yet. My people are on to it and we‘ll soon find out what happened.” A mist of exhaustion blocked his gaze for a moment and he swayed.

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