“But I won‘t keep the suspense for long.” He reached out and pressed the buzzer.

Ogbonna his PA and the secretary came into the room carrying some papers which they laid out on the table surrounded by plush chairs in a corner of the office.

“Edward what‘s this?” Gladys walked over and picked the paper on top. She read out loud, “Towards the transfer of twelve million, two hundred thousand… shares belonging to Bestman Group PLC…” She stopped as her brain scrambled to take it all in.

“I want to give you a gift that is worthy of you and what you mean to me.” There was a huge smile plastered on Edward‘s face as he swung on his swivel chair.

“Edward…” She still couldn‘t say anything meaningful.

He stopped swinging and turned serious. “Bestman used to be my raison d‘être, my lifeblood and what made me who I was. Now that I have you in my life, I want to share it with you. I want you to be a part of me.”

Gladys blinked back the tears that pooled in her eyes. This gesture was beyond anything she knew, over ten million shares? It would be worth even more than she could imagine.

Edward leaned over to take her hands in his. “I love you baby, and I wanted to show it.” His people thought he should wait till they were married before transferring the shares to Gladys, but why should he? His feelings for her wouldn‘t change just because they signed some dotted lines. He wanted to convince himself that he was over his paranoia that people would only take advantage of or hurt him. He had to learn to trust again someday and she was the perfect person.

“I love you too darling but this is too much.” Gladys walked over to where he still sat behind his desk and sat on his lap. “Am I allowed to say thanks but no thanks?”

“No you‘re not.”


“But this is too much Edward…”

“Nothing is too much to show the depth of my feeling for you.” He whispered into her ears. “You give me the kind of joy I never thought to have.”

“Thank you so much.” She hugged him tightly and didn‘t want to let go even when a cough sounded behind her. Edward brought them to their feet and she turned to see Benibo standing just inside the door with an unrecognizable look.

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