When she asked him how long he could remain, he said as long as

she did. When she explained that she was enjoying herself

thoroughly and had no idea how long she would want to stay, he

said that was all right; he had only had one vacation in his life;

it was time he was having another. When she marvelled at this he

said: "Now, look here, Mother, let's get this business straight,

right at the start. I told you when I came I'd seen the woman I

wanted. If you want me to go back to business, the way to do it

is to help me win her."

"But I don't want you 'to go back to business'; I want you to have


a long vacation, and learn all you can from the educational

advantages here."

"It's too late for me to learn more than I get every day by

knocking around and meeting people. I've tried books two or three

times, and I've given them up; I can't do it. I've waited too

long, I've no way to get down to it, I can't remember to save my


"But you can remember anything on earth about a business deal,"

she urged.

"Of course I can. I was born with a business head. It was

remember, or starve, and see you starve. If I'd had the books at

the time they would have helped; now it's too late, and I'll never

try it again, that's settled. Much as I want to marry Miss Bates,

she'll have to take me or leave me as I am. I can't make myself

over for her or for you. I would if I could, but that's one of

the things I can't do, and I admit it. If I'm not good enough for

her as I am, she'll have the chance to tell me so the very first

minute I think it's proper to ask her."

"John, you are good enough for the best woman on earth. There

never was a better lad, it isn't that, and you know it. I am so

anxious that I can scarcely wait; but you must wait. You must

give her time and go slowly, and you must be careful, oh, so very

careful! She's a teacher and a student; she came here to study."

"I'll fix that. I can rush things so that there'll be no time to


"You'll make a mistake if you try it. You'd far better let her go

her own way and only appear when she has time for you," she


"That's a fine idea!" he cried. "A lot of ice I'd cut, sitting

back waiting for a signal to run after a girl, like a poodle. The

way to do is the same as with any business deal. See what you

want, overcome anything in your way, and get it. I'd go crazy

hanging around like that. You've always told me I couldn't do the

things in business I said I would; and I've always proved to you

that I could, by doing them. Now watch me do this."

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