Mrs. Jardine looked at her speculatively. "Ummm!" she murmured.

Kate laughed.

"For eighteen years I have been under marching orders," said Kate.

"Over a year ago I was advised by a minister to 'take the wings of

morning' so I took wing. I started on one grand flight and fell

ker-smash in short order. Life since has been a series of

battering my wings until I have almost decided to buy some

especially heavy boots, and walk the remainder of the way. As a

concrete example, I started out yesterday morning wearing a hat

that several very reliable parties assured me would so assist me


to flight that I might at least have a carriage. Where, oh, where

are my hat and my carriage now? The carriage, non est! The hat --

I am humbly hoping some little country girl, who has lived a

life as barren as mine, will find the remains and retrieve the

velvet bow for a hair-ribbon. As for the man that Leghorn hat was

supposed to symbolize, he won't even look my way when I appear in

my bobby little sailor. He's as badly crushed out of existence as

my beautiful hat."

"You never should have been wearing such a hat to travel in, my

dear," murmured Mrs. Jardine.

"Certainly not!" said Kate. "I knew it. My sister told me that.

Common sense told me that! But what has that got to do with the

fact that I WAS wearing the hat? I guess I have you there!"

"Far from it!" said Mrs. Jardine. "If you're going to start out

in life, calmly ignoring the advice of those who love you, and the

dictates of common sense, the result will be that soon the wheels

of life will be grinding you, instead of a train making bag-rags

of your hat."

"Hummm!" said Kate. "There IS food for reflection there. But

wasn't it plain logic, that if the hat was to bring the man, it

should be worn where at any minute he might see it?"

"But my dear, my dear! If such a man as a woman like you should

have, had seen you wearing that hat in the morning, on a railway

train, he would merely have thought you prideful and extravagant.

You would have been far more attractive to any man I know in your

blue sunbonnet."

"I surely have learned that lesson," said Kate. "Hereafter,

sailors or sunbonnets for me in the morning. Now what may I do to

add to your comfort?"

"Leave me for an hour until I take a nap, and then we'll have

lunch and go to a lecture. I can go to-day, perfectly well, after

an hour's rest."

So Kate went for a very interesting walk around the grounds. When

she returned Mrs. Jardine was still sleeping so she wrote Nancy

Ellen, telling all about her adventure, but not a word about

losing her hat. Then she had a talk with Jennie Weeks whom she

found lingering in the hall near her door. When at last that nap

was over, a new woman seemed to have developed. Mrs. Jardine was

so refreshed and interested the remainder of the day that it was

easier than before for Kate to see how shocked and ill she had

been. As she helped dress her for lunch, Kate said to Mrs.

Jardine: "I met the manager as I was going to post a letter to my

sister, so I asked him always to send you the same waiter. He

said he would, and I'd like you to pay particular attention to her

appearance, and the way she does her work."

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