Then Kate went down the path to deliver the telescope, render her

thanks, make her promise of speedy payment, and for the first time

tell her good news about her school. She found that she was very

happy as she went and quite convinced that her first flight would

prove entirely successful.

Gene Stratton-Porter A Question of Contracts "Hello, Folks!" cried Kate, waving her hand to the occupants of the

veranda as she went up the walk. "Glad to find you at home."

"That is where you will always find me unless I am forced away on

business," said her brother as they shook hands.

Agatha was pleased with this, and stiff as steel, she bent the


length of her body toward Kate and gave her a tight-lipped little

peck on the cheek.

"I came over, as soon as I could," said Kate as she took the chair

her brother offered, "to thank you for the big thing you did for

me, Agatha, when you lent me that money. If I had known where I

was going, or the help it would be to me, I should have gone if

I'd had to walk and work for my board. Why, I feel so sure of

myself! I've learned so much that I'm like the girl fresh from

boarding school: 'The only wonder is that one small head can

contain it all.' Thank you over and over and I've got a good

school, so I can pay you back the very first month, I think. If

there are things I must have, I can pay part the first month and

the remainder the second. I am eager for pay-day. I can't even

picture the bliss of having that much money in my fingers, all my

own, to do with as I please. Won't it be grand?"

In the same breath said Agatha: "Procure yourself some clothes!"

Said Adam: "Start a bank account!"

Said Kate: "Right you are! I shall do both."

"Even our little Susan has a bank account," said Adam, Jr.,


"Which is no reflection whatever on me," laughed Kate. "Susan did

not have the same father and mother I had. I'd like to see a girl

of my branch of the Bates family start a bank account at ten."

"No, I guess she wouldn't," admitted Adam, dryly.

"But have you heard that Nancy Ellen has started?" cried Kate.

"Only think! A lawn-mower! The house and barn to be painted!

All the dinge possible to remove scoured away, inside! She must

have worn her fingers almost to the bone! And really, Agatha,

have you seen the man? He's as big as Adam, and just fine

looking. I'm simply consumed with envy."

"Miss Medira, Dora, Ann, cast her net, and catched a man!" recited

Susan from the top step, at which they all laughed.

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