"A horse and carriage?" repeated Adam, staring at her.

"Why not?" said Kate, casually.

"But how?" cried the amazed boy.

"Why, earn the money, and buy it!" said Kate, impatiently. "I'm

about fed up on earning cabbage, and potatoes, and skirmishing for

wood. I'd prefer to have a dollar in my pocket, and BUY what we

need. Can't you use your brain and help me figure out a way to

earn some MONEY?"

"I meant to pretty soon now, but I thought I had to go to school a

few years yet," he said.


"Of course you do," said Kate. "I must earn the money, but can't

you help me think how?"

"Sure," said Adam, sitting straight and seeming thoughtful, "but

give me a little time. What would you -- could you, do?"

"I taught before I was married," said Kate; "but methods of

teaching change so I'd have to have a Normal term to qualify for

even this school. I could put you and Polly with Aunt Ollie this

summer; but I wouldn't, not if we must freeze and starve together -- "

"Because of Grandma?" asked the boy. Kate nodded.

"I borrowed money to go once, and I could again; but I have been

away from teaching so long, and I don't know what to do with you

children. The thing I would LIKE would be to find a piece of land

somewhere, with a house, any kind of one on it, and take it to

rent. Land is about all I really know. Working for money would

be of some interest. I am so dead tired working for potatoes.

Sometimes I see them flying around in the air at night."

"Do you know of any place you would like?" asked Adam.

"No, I don't," said Kate, "but I am going to begin asking and I'm

going to keep my eyes open. I heard yesterday that Dr. James

intends to build a new house. This house is nothing, but the lot

is in the prettiest place in town. Let's sell it to him, and take

the money, and buy us some new furniture and a cow, and a team,

and wagon, and a buggy, and go on a piece of land, and live like

other people. Seems to me I'll die if I have to work for potatoes

any longer. I'm heart sick of them. Don't say a word to anybody,

but Oh, Adam, THINK! Think HARD! Can't you just help me THINK?"

"You are sure you want land?" asked the boy.

"It is all I know," said Kate. "How do you feel about it?"

"I want horses, and cows, and pigs -- lots of pigs -- and sheep,

and lots of white hens," said Adam, promptly.

"Get the spade and spade the onion bed until I think," said Kate.

"And that reminds me, we didn't divide the sets last fall.

Somebody will have to go after them."

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