The hackman was obliging, for after delivering the mail and some

parcels, he took Kate to her home. While she waited for him, she

walked the ravine bank planning about the mill which was now so

sure that she might almost begin work. Surely she might as soon

as she finished figuring, for she had visited the Court House in

Hartley and found that George's deeds were legal, and in proper

shape. Her mind was filled with plans which this time must


As she approached the house she could see the children playing in

the yard. It was the first time she ever had been away from them;


she wondered if they had missed her. She was amazed to find that

they were very decidedly disappointed to see her; but a few

pertinent questions developed the reason. Their grandmother had

come with her sister; she had spent her time teaching them that

their mother was cold, and hard, and abused them, by not treating

them as other children were treated. So far as Kate could see

they had broken every rule she had ever laid down for them: eaten

until their stomachs were out of order, and played in their better

clothing, until it never would be nice again, while Polly shouted

at her approach: "Give ME the oranges and candy. I want to

divide them."

"Silly," said Kate. "This is too soon. I've no money yet, it

will be a long time before I get any; but you shall each have an

orange, some candy, and new clothing when I do. Now run see what

big fish you can catch."

Satisfied, the children obeyed and ran to the creek. Aunt Ollie,

worried and angered, told Adam to tell his father that Mother was

home and for him to come and take her and grandmother to Walden at

once. She had not been able to keep Mrs. Holt from one steady

round of mischief; but she argued that her sister could do less,

with her on guard, than alone, so she had stayed and done her

best; but she knew how Kate would be annoyed, so she believed the

best course was to leave as quickly as possible. Kate walked into

the house, spoke to both women, and went to her room to change her

clothing. Before she had finished, she heard George's voice in

the house demanding: "Where's our millionaire lady? I want a

look at her."

Kate was very tired, slowly relaxing from intense nerve strain,

she was holding herself in check about the children. She took a

tighter grip, and vowed she would not give Mrs. Holt the

satisfaction of seeing her disturbed and provoked, if she killed

herself in the effort at self-control. She stepped toward the


"Here," she called in a clear voice, the tone of which brought

George swiftly.

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