Together they left the room and entered Kate's door. As soon as

the doctor was busy with her, George slipped back into the closed

room, rolled Peter on his back and covered him, in the hope that

the blood would settle until it would efface the marks of his work

before the Coroner arrived. By that time the doctor was too busy

to care much what happened to Peter Mines; he was a poor old soul

better off as he was. Across Kate's unconscious body he said to

George Holt: "I'm going to let the Coroner make what he pleases

out of this, solely for your wife's sake. But two things: take

down that shingle. Take it down now, and never put it up again if


you want me to keep still. I'll give you what you paid for that

table. It's a good one. Get him out as soon as you can. Set him

in another room. I've got to have Mrs. Holt where I can work.

And send Sarah Nepple here to help me. Move fast! This is going

to be a close call. And the other thing: I've heard you put in

an application for our school this winter. Withdraw it! Now


So they set Peter in the living room, cleaned Kate's room quickly,

and moved in her bed. By the time the Coroner arrived, the doctor

was too busy to care what happened. On oath he said a few words

that he hoped would make life easier for Kate, and at the same

time pass muster for truth; told the Coroner what witnesses to

call; and gave an opinion as to Peter's condition. He also added

that he was sure Peter's family would be very glad he was to

suffer no more, and then he went back to Kate who was suffering

entirely too much for safety. Then began a long vigil that ended

at midnight with Kate barely alive and Sarah Nepple, the Walden

mid-wife, trying to divide a scanty wardrobe between a pair of

lusty twins.

Gene Stratton-Porter A New Idea Kate slowly came back to consciousness. She was conscious of her

body, sore from head to foot, with plenty of pain in definite

spots. Her first clear thought was that she was such a big woman;

it seemed to her that she filled the room, when she was one

bruised ache from head to heels. Then she became conscious of a

moving bundle on the bed beside her, and laid her hand on it to

reassure herself. The size and shape of the bundle were not


"Oh, Lord!" groaned Kate. "Haven't You any mercy at all? It was

Your advice I followed when I took wing and started out in life."

A big sob arose in her throat, while at the same time she began to

laugh weakly. Dr. James heard her from the hall and entered

hastily. At the sight of him, Kate's eyes filled with terrified

remembrance. Her glance swept the room, and rested on her rocking

chair. "Take that out of here!" she cried. "Take it out, split

it into kindling wood, and burn it."

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