“Well then, find someone who does, Sofia. We need a leader.”

The Shade had always been ruled by a Novak. While Vivienne definitely had a voice at the kingdom, she never had enough sway to get everyone to listen to her. I knew that we were up against far more than we could handle, and though I had no idea why, the first and only person I knew who was capable of becoming a strong leader in a situation like ours was my father. I was well aware of the responsibility on my shoulders – that I had to step up and take the lead if I was going to be the wife of Derek and the queen of The Shade, but I certainly wasn’t going to do it alone. I needed Aiden. “I think I know who to ask,” I assured Ian before making my way to The Cells.

I found it ironic what I was about to do. I couldn’t help but wonder what Derek would think about the whole thing. I was about to ask Aiden Claremont, the infamous hunter, notorious for killing hundreds of vampires, to help me run The Shade.

Chapter 26: Derek

I was losing my mind and I knew it. I had no control over my actions. The darkness had somehow possessed me and though I was conscious that I did not want to do what I was doing, I still gave into Emilia’s every whim. I was a puppet on a string and she was my puppet master.

“Do you love me, Derek?” she whispered into my ear.

No. I love Sofia. “Yes. You know I do,” I whispered back into hers.

She smiled and even then I once again realized how unattractive she had become to me. She held my hand and led me outside of her room, which she hadn’t yet allowed me to leave ever since the first night I had to spend with her. I observed the corridors we were passing through.

High, stone walls, lit up by elegant fluorescent wall lamps. I was expecting to find elegant paintings or even elaborate tapestries gracing the walls, but was surprised to find it bare apart from some heavy burgundy drapery covering the windows on one side, each window reaching from floor to ceiling.

Our steps echoed through the corridor and I found myself staring at the woman who was holding my hand, leisurely walking a few steps ahead of me. What happened to you, Cora? How did you become Emilia? Despite my hatred for what she’d become, I could not deny the fact that Cora was my best friend. She was with me through some of the toughest and darkest periods of my life. It hurt to know that this was what she had become.


She twisted her head to face me and smiled when she realized that I was staring at her. She took it as a compliment I guess. I inwardly winced at the idea, but of course, I knew that my body and facial expressions were registering a completely different body language. To all eyes seeing us at that moment, anyone would’ve thought I was in love with her.

“You’re staring.” She blushed.

I wanted to strangle her. It’s not like I have any control over what I do, you crazy witch. “I just can’t keep my eyes off you. You’re so beautiful.”

Puppet’s praise didn’t seem to be pleasing to her anymore, because she didn’t react to my compliment this time. “Do you mean that? Or are you just saying it because of my father’s control over you?”

Definitely your father’s control… “Of course I mean it, Emilia. Any man can look at you and see how beautiful you are.”

I heard someone snicker behind me. We both turned around and I couldn’t help but feel amused over how Emilia’s face fell.

“Hello, Kiev,” she said, rolling her eyes. She then introduced him to me. “This, unfortunately, is my older brother.”

How many brothers and sisters does she have? How many belong to the Elder’s clan? I began studying him just as he began studying me.

He had close-cropped dark hair. His eyes were a chilling blood red. He had a large muscular build and a menacing stance. He also had a beautiful young redhead cradled in his arms.

He grinned after looking me over several times. “So this is him? The man you’ve been pining for all these years?”

Emilia held her head high and I couldn’t help but wonder who the man was. She seemed so eager to prove something – perhaps herself – to him. “If you must know, yes. This is the great Derek Novak.”

Kiev looked at me from head to foot and began to continue snickering. “Tell me, Derek Novak. Is Sofia Claremont really as stunning as everyone says she is? Is she as beautiful as my girl, Vanessa, over here?” He clutched her by the jaw and began shaking her head. Her brown eyes fell on me and I could see desperation in them.

More than that, I could see Sofia in her. My mind was crying out for release, thoughts of the girl I loved filling my brain, yet the words that came through my mouth was “I have no idea who Sofia Claremont is.”

Emilia grinned triumphantly but her smile quickly faded away when Kiev doubled over in laughter. I was dumbfounded by the response and it seemed so was Emilia. Of course, Emilia seemed more irritated than perplexed.

“What is wrong with you, Kiev?!” she eventually burst out when she finally had enough of his laughter.

“You’re fast, little sister. You already have him brainwashed. Let’s see how long he can hold up, shall we?” He held the girl firmly and shoved her forward.

“Kiev, no…” Emilia frowned, worry creasing her face. From the look on her eyes, I was certain that she wanted to inflict many forms of bodily harm on her brother.

They don’t seem to be a very happy family. I shifted my attention to the girl in front of me.

“Look at her hair.” Kiev held up a clump of the young woman’s hair in front of me. “Isn’t Sofia a redhead? Are you sure you don’t remember her?”

Of course I remember her. I love her. I will always love her. I shook my head. “I don’t remember.”

Kiev grinned and fisted Vanessa’s hair from the back of her head, pulling painfully at her scalp until she began whimpering. He pulled against her head and exposed her neck to me. From the fresh bite marks on her neck, it was clear that he had just recently been drinking from her.

“Have a taste of her blood, Derek, and I’m pretty sure you’ll remember your dear Sofia…” Kiev assured me.

“Derek, no…” Emilia objected. “Don’t. You love me, remember? If you love me, you won’t do this.”

Apparently, my vampire instincts and cravings were more powerful than even the control Emilia had over me. The invitation to do anything that would remind me of Sofia was too precious to let go of. I gently pulled Vanessa closer to me, held Kiev’s hand fisting her hair and pried his fingers loose. When she was finally free of his grip, I bit into her neck. The moment I got a taste of her blood, my eyes shot wide open. Her blood tasted the exact same as Sofia’s. It had the exact same effect on me. The power pounding in my blood, the ecstasy that came with every drop of her blood coursing through me – it was all there. I drank deep until Kiev pulled the girl away from me.

“That’s enough.” He glared jealously at me. “You’re enjoying too much of what is mine. Now tell me, Derek… do you really love my sister?”

Emilia looked at me expectantly and I couldn’t help but smirk when I was able to shake my head and say, “No. I’m in love with Sofia.”

A loud piercing scream coming from the depths of Emilia filled the corridors as she attacked Vanessa. I’d seen many humans die before, but I was never more shaken than when I saw Vanessa burn at Emilia’s mere touch and crumble into ashes.

The moment Vanessa’s life force disappeared from the room, the back of Kiev’s hand connected sharply with Emilia’s face and she got thrown into the ground.

I found myself backing up into a wall, wanting to get as far away from the fight as possible.

Emilia pointed her finger at Kiev and I was sure that she was about to use her witchy powers against him, but all he did was smirk, stepping forward to challenge her. “Go ahead, Emilia. Cast a spell on me. Let’s see what our father will do to you should you try to disobey his order never to use a spell on his own children again... especially now that you only have one week to make Derek Novak yours.”

Emilia once again screamed at the top of her lungs. It seemed all she could really do against her older brother was throw a tantrum, until she lunged forward and clawed right through his face. He was so angered by what she did, he tackled her much smaller frame to the ground.

A brunette with stunning purple eyes emerged from a nearby door, possibly to find out what the commotion was all about. Her eyes lit up with wicked delight when she saw the two vampires wrestling with each other. She stepped forward and stood beside me. “You must be my little sister’s pet. I’m Clara.”

“I’m no pet. And I’m definitely not hers.”

“My brother made you drink an immune’s blood, didn’t he?”

I raised my brow at the information I was given. Vanessa was an immune. That’s why her blood tasted just like Sofia’s. I nodded. “Yes. Emilia killed the girl right after I drank.”

“Really now?” Clara’s eyes lit up with pure amusement. “Was it Vanessa?”


“No wonder he’s so peeved. He’s been obsessed with Vanessa ever since he found out your Sofia is a redhead.”

Nothing about that news sat well with me. Another man who could possibly get himself obsessed with Sofia. I stared at Kiev who was pounding his fists against Emilia’s face and saw him for the threat that he was.

“He’s gonna get over it.” Clara cocked her head to the side as she watched her siblings fight, seemingly unaffected by the gory mess they were creating out of each other. “So will Emilia. The effect of the immune’s blood on you will wear off soon enough and you’ll be back in Emilia’s control in no time.”

My gut clenched. I wondered to myself if there was anything I could do in order to keep myself in control. Only one thing came to mind. I have to find another immune. “Vanessa was immune?” I asked Clara.

She smiled at me. “All humans at the castle are immune.” She seemed pleased with herself that she was able to give me that particular tidbit of information. Clearly, the Elder’s “family” was insanely dysfunctional.

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