“Okay, forget the mermaid. I’ve got a better idea.”

Ten minutes later, Rebekah was wearing a French maid’s uniform and had Eric naked with his wrists tied to the headboard with silk scarves. She took her feather duster and lightly flicked it over his chest. He laughed and tried to escape her tickling by sliding sideways across the mattress. And he’d wondered why she’d insisted on tying him down.

“Monsieur, you are so dirty. Hold still, please.”

She feather dusted under his arm, and he tried to climb the headboard with his back. “No, no, stop,” he gasped. “Tickles.”

“My, my, such dirty ribs.” When she tickled his rib cage, he tried to push her away with one large foot but was laughing too hard to follow her evasive moves.

“Don’t hurt your arms,” she said. “Do you want me to untie you?”

He shook his head, trying to catch his breath.

“Then hold still.”

He bit his lip and watched her through half-closed eyelids. Damn, he looked so sexy when he did that. She flicked her feather duster over his belly. He tried to hold still and not laugh, but managed it for only about ten seconds.

There was a knock at the door. Rebekah opened it to find Trey standing in the hall with a towel wrapped around his narrow hips. His wet hair dripped water down his face and naked chest. A few days ago, Rebekah would have had to pick her jaw up off the floor if she’d seen Trey Mills in such a state of undress. Not that he was any less gorgeous than he’d always been, but she had a singular obsession now, and he just so happened to be tied to the bed and at her mercy.

“Do you mind if I get dressed?” Trey asked, sultry green eyes zeroing in on the lacy black garter at the top of Rebekah’s thigh-high, fishnet stocking. “All my clothes are in the closet. I could perform naked tonight, I suppose, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”


“I’m sure your fangirls would think it’s a wonderful idea.” She stepped back in the room. “Come in.”

Trey wandered into the bedroom, took one look at Eric, and grinned. “How is it possible for two people to have that much fun in the bedroom?” Trey asked. “I could hear him laughing all the way in the bathroom. I really don’t see anything funny about Rebekah’s sexy little outfit, Eric. I mean…. damn, girl.”

Rebekah demonstrated by tickling Eric’s belly.

Trey chuckled. “I see. You’re torturing him. I guess his bribe worked.”

“His bribe?”

“The jewelry I tried to talk him out of.”

“I tried to talk him out of it too,” she said.

Eric nodded. “She did.”

She flicked her feather duster over the head of Eric’s rigid cock. He sucked a breath through his teeth.

“So this kinky little game isn’t to repay him for the gift?” Trey opened the closet and pulled out some clothes.

“He doesn’t have to buy me gifts to encourage me to get my kink on.”

Trey shook his head. “And I practically gave you to him.”

Rebekah dusted Eric’s balls gently.

“Thank you!” Eric gasped, his muscles tightening, flesh quivering.

“Who are you thanking?” Trey asked, removing his towel from around his hips so he could use it to dry his hair.

“Both of you,” Eric said.

Rebekah caught one inspiring glance of Trey’s perfect, naked ass before forcing her attention to Eric. At least Trey’s back was to her. Mercy. Okay, one more glimpse, and she’d be set for life. She didn’t mean to stare, but the colorful tattoo on Trey’s butt cheek could not be ignored.

“What the f**k is that?” Rebekah asked, leaning closer for a better inspection.

Trey glanced over his shoulder and followed her line of vision to his ass. Upon that perfect, firm cheek, a tattoo of a racing unicorn surrounded by rainbows decorated his skin. The calico kitten perched upon the unicorn’s back could only be described as nauseatingly cute. “Hmm. Why don’t you ask your boyfriend?”

Rebekah dragged her gaze from the monstrosity of a tattoo and glared at Eric. “You had something to do with that?”

Eric chuckled. “I designed it. Well, Jace helped a little. Isn’t it awesome?”

“That isn’t the word I’d use, no.”

“A bet’s a bet,” Eric said. “Brian has one too.”

“Eric! That thing is permanent.”


“It is a great conversation starter at parties,” Trey admitted.

Rebekah’s head whipped around. Trey tilted his head forward and ran a hand through his long bangs, looking his absolute orneriest. And his most naked.

“At p-parties?” she sputtered. “Trey! It’s on your ass.”

He chuckled and cocked an eyebrow. “Exactly.”

Rebekah gaped. What kind of parties did this guy go to? And how did she get an invitation?

Trey nodded in Eric’s direction. “I think he needs to be tortured some more.”

Her entire body jerked as she forced her attention away from wayward thoughts of Trey partying—naked—and shifted her attention to her prankster boyfriend currently tied to the bed. “I agree.”

“Um, Reb…” Eric said, his eyes wide.

Rebekah lifted a bottle of chocolate syrup from the nightstand and climbed on the bed to kneel next to him. She poured a line of chocolate from the center of Eric’s chest to his belly button.

“Oh, monsieur,” she said. “I’ve made a mess of you.”

She lowered her head to lick and suck the chocolate from his body while teasing his c**k mercilessly with the feather duster. Eric twitched and groaned. When she was working at removing the syrup from between Eric’s washboard abs, Trey took the bottle from her hand and dotted a trail up Eric’s side.

“What are you doing, Mills?” Eric asked.

“Helping out a friend in need,” he said with a sly grin and dotted syrup on Eric’s left nipple.

Rebekah followed the chocolate trail, dropping a sucking kiss at each spot, and then licking to make sure she’d retrieved all the sticky syrup. She spent extra time at his nipple, flicking the ring there with her tongue, while Trey dripped a trail up the side of Eric’s throat to his lips and then down the other side of his chest.

“If you were a true friend, you’d put some of that on a more sensitive location,” Eric said.

“Sensitive?” Trey chuckled and walked to the end of the bed. “Oh right. She’s supposed to be torturing you.”

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