“Oh, Adam, how do you do that?”

“Well, I just sort of tighten my tongue and then flick it up and down, then—”

She laughed. “No, I don’t mean how you lick my clit. How do you draw so realistically? It’s amazing.”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. It’s just something I’ve always done for fun. I mostly draw naked women. And for some reason . . . animals.”

“You’re fantastic. Finish it.” She nodded toward her lower belly. “Please.”

He grinned at her, obviously pleased by her compliment. “Okay.”

“Now I really want to visit your place to see your artwork.”

“I carry some of it with me at all times.”

“Really? Is it in your suitcase?”

He shook his head. “On my skin.”

“You designed your tattoos?”


She giggled as he drew on a particularly ticklish spot on her pubis.

“I designed the dragon on my back, but not my sleeve; a real artist drew that.” The tattoos that covered his right arm from shoulder to wrist were abstract, where Adam’s drawings were realistic. She still remembered how breathless she’d become the first time she’d seen the tattoo that covered most of his back. She couldn’t believe he had drawn it. She would have bet her left kidney that a professional artist had designed it. The man was definitely multi-talented. “You drew your dragon?”

He nodded. “I also drew some of the band’s tattoos. Especially Gabe’s. The phoenix on his back, the cougar on one side of his chest and the wolf on the other. I designed the shark on Kellen’s calf and the stallion on his shoulder, the snake on Owen’s . . . uh, hip region, and Shade’s . . . ” Adam scowled.

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. He just pisses me off, is all.”

She lifted a hand to stroke his hair, which was still damp from their bath. “You need to talk to him, sweetheart. Try to sort things out.”

His scowl deepened. She hated to see him in turmoil, wanted him to smile more. “So I’m guessing that you designed the turtle Shade has inked on ass.”

Adam’s features softened, and he chuckled. “Shade doesn’t have a turtle on his ass.”

“Are you sure? I think I heard that somewhere. Well then, did you draw the butterfly on his lower back?”

He laughed. “Nope.”

“Hmm. Maybe the hummingbirds on his chest. Or the little piglet on his belly?”

“He must have some new tattoos I haven’t seen.”

“They’re all adorable,” Madison said, glad she’d made him laugh. “What did you draw for him?”

Adam sighed. “A lion. It’s on his chest, over his heart.” Adam licked his thumb and rubbed it over her belly to correct a mistake he’d made with his pen. “He probably wants to have it removed.”

“I doubt that. I’m sure it’s special to him.”

And he was scowling again. Maybe it was best to leave the real world outside. She’d hate to upset him now and ruin their limited time together. “Almost finished?” she asked. “I have a powerful need to suck your c**k while you use that tongue on my pretty pu**y.”

His grin returned. “Oh yeah?”

She nodded.

He tossed the pen aside. “All finished.”

She rose up on her elbows and admired the fuzzy kitten on her lower belly. It seemed to stare up at her with an impish grin. “Maybe I do need a tattoo,” she said. “Then your artwork would become a permanent part of me.”

“We need to experiment with more designs first. Then I can draw on you as often as I like and never run out of canvas.” He looked up at her. “But I am going to take a picture of this before I make you sweat it off.” He leaned off the bed and found his cellphone among the clothes he’d discarded after his trip to the vending machines. He lifted it high and aimed the lens at his drawing.

She knew there was no way for him to get a picture without including her exposed private area just beneath it.

“Wait,” she said, “let me cover . . . ”

Before she could position her hands, he snapped a picture. Her face flamed. She tried to grab his phone, but he held it above his head and looked up at the picture he’d taken. “Now that’s art,” he said.

Her face felt as if it would burst into flame. “Please, delete it.”

He smiled down at her. “Are you blushing, Madi?”

“It’s embarrassing. Someone might see it.”

“Do you really think I’d let anyone look at it besides me? I won’t.”

She relaxed slightly.

“But you’d better get used to people looking at your body if you still want to go to that sex club next week.”

“But they won’t be able to see my face.”

He chuckled. “Can’t see your face in this shot either.”

She supposed that was true. “Can I see it?”

He showed her the picture, which was erotic in that her shaved pubis was visible just beneath his drawing, but the photo was also tasteful. Artistic. Looking it at made her pu**y throb.

“That’s kind of hot,” she said breathlessly.

“Kind of? It’s on fire, baby. God, it makes me hard.”

He shifted onto his side, and she zeroed in on the evidence of his desire for her. His c**k was hard, and she really did have a powerful need to suck it. She rolled onto her side upside down beside him and directed him into her mouth, sucking hard and bobbing her head rapidly because she wanted to taste his cum. The sooner, the better. He grabbed her hips and shifted her closer so he could suckle her clit and flick his tongue over it as hard and fast as she was giving it to him.

She shattered almost instantly, the ripples of pleasure causing her to buck against his face.

He pulled out of her mouth and leaned off the bed to retrieve a condom and a tube of lube.

Her ass tightened with anticipation. God, yes! But . . .

“I wanted you to come in my mouth,” she said.

“I will, but not just yet.”

He yanked the oversized black T-shirt off over her head and pressed her onto her back. Lifting her legs straight up, he rested her heels on his shoulders and slipped a pillow under her hips. He handed her the condom. “Open it,” he said. “Hurry.” He twisted the cap off the tube with his teeth and applied lube to her twitching ass with his hand. When his slick finger slid inside her, she shuddered. “Hurry,” he pleaded.

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