“I mean, if you want to.”

“If I was a betting man, and I am, I’d put my money on you being far kinkier than I am.”

She giggled. “I’ll make that a goal.”

Dear lord, he’d created a monster—a very sweet and sexy monster, one he was more than willing to experiment with sexually, but a monster just the same. Her fingertips lightly stroked his outer thighs beneath the warm water. Every inch of him was aware of every inch of her.

“What goes on at those sex clubs you go to?” she asked.

“Used to go to,” he corrected. “Why do you keep asking about it?”

She shrugged. “You said you liked to perform, but never explained what that means, so I figured I’d go find out for myself.”

Absolutely not. He knew what those places were like, and he didn’t want her anywhere near one by herself. “I’d be happy to show you.”

“No arguments from me. Every time you show me something new, I’m rewarded with mind-blowing orgasms.”

“Are you sure? It requires an audience.”

She went still. “An audience?”


He could already picture her tangled in the bed sheets on the stage, her thighs spread wide, his mouth working fervently to make her scream so all those watching knew how hard he made her come.

“I know of this really great place in New Orleans,” he said. “It’s fairly exclusive; they don’t let just any average Joe off the street join. I have a few days off tour next week. If you want to go, I’m sure I could get us in.”

“What would I have to do?”

“Nothing. Let me please you. Let me perform.”

“Would I have to be naked?”

He chuckled. “Mostly.”

“And people would see me naked? People I don’t know?”

“We’ll both wear masks. No one will know it’s you, except me.”

“But I’ll know it’s me.”

He kissed the crown of her head. “It’s okay. It’s not for everyone.”

She didn’t say anything for a long moment, so he figured she’d let the idea drop. He should have known better.

“I want to be open to try things you like Adam. You’re always willing to give me what I like. Do you really like to perform in front of an audience?”

He chuckled. “Let’s just say before I met you, it was my favorite sex act.”

“And now?”

“You’re my favorite sex act.”

“So if you performed on me . . . ”

His entire body stiffened, splashing water out of the tub as he reached for solid porcelain to steady himself. “I’d probably come so hard my balls would launch into outer space.”

She laughed. “We don’t want your balls to end up in orbit.”

“You’re right. That doesn’t sound pleasant.”

“But I do want to see how hard I can make you come,” she said. “I could give performing a try. Next week in New Orleans?”

“No pressure,” he said.

“If I change my mind, I can back out, right?”

“Of course,” he said, but he had some ideas on how to get her excited about the idea so she wouldn’t change her mind.

Madison sat there for several minutes and he gave her the time to think it through. He didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t tell him no. When he said no pressure, he meant it.

“Okay, New Orleans next week. I’m in.” She sounded like she’d just agreed to a bank heist. She took a deep breath. “Tell me what to expect.”

He withheld his victory dance and played it cool. “Not saying. I want you to be surprised.” He pressed his hands between her thighs and forced her legs apart. “But I know you’ll like it,” he whispered in her ear. “You’ll like strangers watching you beg for penetration. You’ll like when they watch you come.” He stroked her clit, and she thrashed in the water. “Their attention will make you so hot.”

“I’ll be embarrassed,” she said.

“Just remember, I’m the only one who will know it’s you.”

“Everyone wears masks?” she asked.

“Except for the director.” He smirked. “He wears a hood.”

“What?” Her entire body trembled against him. “What do you mean? Who’s the director?”

“You’ll find out next week. I’m not saying any more.”

“Adam! Don’t tease me. Tell me what will happen.”

But he had plans to tease her all week with hints and messages so that by the time they arrived at La Petite Mort, she’d be so excited by the idea of performing, she wouldn’t even question it.

“Every man in the room will be jealous of me eating out this pu**y,” he whispered into her ear. He cupped her mound and squeezed, his fingertips sliding between her swollen folds. “I’m going to hold you wide open so they can see my tongue licking your sweet cum. They’ll see how much I relish it, and will be salivating for a taste, but only I can have it. It’s mine.”

She groaned. “How many will be watching?”

“We won’t know until the time comes. It might be a few or as many as thirty. And they’ll all have their cocks in their hands by the time I’m finished with you.”

She rocked her hips, rubbing her mound against his hand. “Oh God, just the thought is making me hot.”

He stroked her swollen clit rhythmically beneath the water. He wasn’t quite ready to make love to her yet—he was really enjoying the water jets against his back—but he loved that she was getting all hot and bothered by making future plans. Mostly because it meant they had a future.

He caressed her clit faster—faster—until her hips bucked and she rocked her mound against his hand as she came. The back of her head crashed against his shoulder as she cried out in ecstasy.

“You’re going to give all of our spectators raging hard-ons when you come all sexy like that.” It certainly made his c**k stiff. “Make lots of noise for me, Madison. Don’t hold it in. You have to let our audience know how much I please you.”

“I’ll be loud,” she said breathlessly. “I’ll scream if you want me to.”

Her body went limp, and he held her against his chest, nose buried in her fragrant hair. She relaxed and let him hold her. This was what he’d been craving all evening—calm, quiet closeness. He had no doubt that she’d soon have him worked into a frenzy again, but for now this was nice. Sometimes nice was exactly what he needed.

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